Preparing a Way for God to Enter Our Busy Advent World

Preparing a Way for God to Enter Our Busy Advent World December 12, 2012

My Advent posts this year have centered on a single theme—that honoring Advent does not require us to retreat from busy Christmas preparation, that our thing- and task-focused preparations might even be particularly appropriate for a God who came to us as an actual needy baby born in a stinky stable. Because I am fully immersed in my own holiday preparations, as well as working to meet a few non-negotiable work deadlines, original blog posts are likely to be few in the next two weeks. Lucky for me (and you), there are lots of other people writing interesting things that I can share with you.

My friend Marie Alford-Harkey just posted a sermon she preached at my former Episcopal parish this past weekend. I initially read it because she mentions me in the sermon (!), but I share it here because I loved it. She offers yet another perspective on how our busy holiday prep can honor God. Marie wrote/preached:

What is true about Advent is that we are waiting for God to arrive in human form, into OUR world. Not some special, Advent-only spiritual world. This world. The one with the shopping and the trees and the kids and the choir and the Christmas lights and even Santa Claus.

Read the entire sermon here. Enjoy!




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