Horror Writers Association Admits Me Through Blood Ritual

Horror Writers Association Admits Me Through Blood Ritual July 31, 2014


Artists are very weird people. On one hand, we talk loudly at smart parties how we don’t care if anyone “gets” our work. We claim we write for “its own sake” and our own personal satisfaction.

That is a lie. Artists are artists because we want to communicate. We want to say something and have people respond. Further, there is a huge part of us that needs constant validation. The worst thing for an artist is that no one pays attention to our work. This is a painful thing to admit, but it’s true.

Writers are the worst hypocrites. The nature of what we do invites readers to engage with our minds in a way that is unique in the arts. Our thoughts are laid bare for everyone to see. We crave validation and we are hurt when we don’t get it. We lash out at critics while screaming to the heavens we couldn’t give a crap about their opinion.

I’ll be honest, I love validation of my work. I loved it when super agent Italia Gandolfo picked me up as her first client. I love it when a reader says they stayed up late night to finish 3 Gates. I love it when “gatekeeper” critics love my writing. Lately, I’ve gotten validation from all sides. Open Road Media bought out the 3 Gates series. Legendary Editor Betsy Mitchell (Michael Chabon, Dean Koontz) chose me as one of her authors. I got hired to be an editor at Ave Maria Press. Audible.com picked up the 3 Gate Series for audio books. Hollywood is knocking hard. Not mention Teen Author Boot Camp and SLC Comic Con asking me to come speak. 

This morning, I received an honor I’ve been seeking for the past few years.

The Horror Writers Association informed me they’ve accepted me as member with all the privileges, voting rights, and admittance into the dark rituals of the group. I’m excited about this honor because this group is made up of working writers. They are my peers and to receive their validation is a huge honor. Oh, and, this organization includes Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Robert McCammon and Peter Straub in their membership. Yeah, all my writing heroes in one group. Look at me ma!!!

So, its been a great year so far and August promises to be a huge month for 3 Gates the movie, and a Dark Bride release date.

Benedictine Oblate Novice and a member of the Horror Writers Association. Go figure that one out.

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