October 26, 2017

Gospel for Asia, Wills Point, TX

It’s Throwback Thursday! We’re going back to 2005 to a group meeting in Gospel for Asia’s old office in Carrollton, Texas, where people are discussing potential opportunities to help meet more needs on the field. A question is raised, “What if we made a catalog with high-impact gifts donors could give to families in Asia at Christmastime?”

The project was something new for the leaders at Gospel for Asia (GFA). Providing farm animals and sewing machines was so different from what the ministry was doing at the time—supporting and equipping national missionaries, educating underprivileged children, drilling water wells—but helping impoverished families in Jesus’ name truly complimented the ministry’s vision.

“The next year, we worked with the field with the idea of animals and other gifts,” said John, a Gospel for Asia (GFA) staff member since 1992. “It was exciting because it would give donors a whole new and completely different opportunity to minister to the poor while still sharing the love of Christ.”

In 2006, Gospel for Asia’s first Christmas Gift Catalog was printed. It’s aim? Encouraging believers in the West to celebrate Christmas by giving life-changing gifts to families in Asia that break the cycle of poverty and provide hope.  As John says, “The gift of hope, I believe, is one of the greatest gifts we can give, as it comes directly from the Father.”

Christmas Gift Catalog - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia mailed out its first Christmas Gift Catalog in 2006! Here’s an array of the catalogs we’ve designed and mailed since then.

What People Thought of the Catalog

When the catalog started landing in mailboxes, Gospel for Asia (GFA) friends had the opportunity to give toward dozens of items, such as chickens, goats, water filters, rickshaws, winter clothing and church buildings.

“We were not totally sure what to expect, but our donors totally grabbed the vision and ran with it,” John recalls. “It was amazing to see the huge number of gifts that came in. We had to reorganize the work load just to manage it all.”

Heather, another Gospel for Asia (GFA) staff member, remembers the flood of donations received through the catalog.

“I didn’t anticipate such an overwhelming response! It was so exhilarating to watch the Body of Christ all come together for this endeavor. …

“That first year, I talked with someone who had given a Jesus Well. It was his first gift to the ministry, so I was curious how he’d heard about it. As it turned out, he was a postman and had been delivering catalogs all week. He was waiting for one to be undeliverable so he could look at it himself (standard procedure for catalogs and magazines), and when he finally got to see the inside of a catalog, he was so impacted that he responded by providing a well. I think that’s when I really realized this was something special.”

By God’s grace, the response to the catalog has continued to increase—with more than 1.7 million families in Asia receiving life-changing gifts over the years.

Christ-centered Celebrations

We’ve all been there. On Christmas morning, the toys and the presents are so exciting! And then one day the new toy monster trucks loses a wheel. Or the mechanical puppy starts to wheeze as its battery dies.

But over the past 11 years, we’ve heard from Gospel for Asia (GFA) friends how much more joy their entire family has found knowing their Christmas catalog gifts are changing lives for years to come. We’ve seen them making major changes to the way they celebrate Christ’s birth, and it’s because of love, which as Dr. K.P. Yohannan writes, is the greatest motivation of all.

Income-generating Christmas Gifts Break the Cycle of Poverty for Poor People in Asia - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia
At a Christmas gift distribution in 2010, this man received a cow that would help him and his family overcome poverty.

Hope, who now serves on staff with Gospel for Asia (GFA), remembers how her family incorporated the Christmas catalog in their celebrations during her childhood.

“Every year when I received the catalog growing up, my favorite thing to give towards was the Widows and Abandoned Children’s fund. My family would save money in a mason jar, and we would fill it up throughout the year with our change. And then the day we had been waiting for came…the catalog arrived! Down from the shelf came the now quite-heavy mason jar, and we would dump out the coins and count them excitedly to see what we could buy that year! My family really loved to give Bibles, and I think one year we gave a sewing machine and chickens…always chickens.”

Seeing the Impact Firsthand

After years of donating toward the catalog, Hope and some other Gospel for Asia (GFA) staff members made the long journey to Asia. There, she saw a glimpse of the impact her family and thousands of other families are making through the Christmas Gift Catalog.

“When I was able to travel to Asia and see things like blankets and sewing machines [being used], it was like a light bulb flashed on,” she says. “I could see the benefit of these gifts in a new way. Through that experience, it has made the catalog and the prayers and the hard work everyone puts into it so much more exciting and beautiful.”

The gifts in this catalog are simple—yet their impact far exceeds their cost. Even a blanket or a pair of rabbits can make a lasting difference for a struggling family.

“I was staggered to learn about the impact of blankets,” Heather shares. “Such a simple and humble gift, but one that seems to have an overwhelming response. I remember hearing about GFA-supported workers going out on wintery nights and laying blankets down on those who were sleeping unprotected on the street. The workers said simply, ‘These people went to sleep never expecting to wake up. Instead, they’ll wake up and know that someone has seen them.’ What an incredible way to communicate that the overlooked and neglected are noticed and cared for by the Heavenly Father.”

In places where the poorly clothed, the malnourished, the bedraggled and the hopeless are extended little kindness, giving income-generating gifts or gifts that improve people’s quality of life carries a powerful message: You are valuable.

“I think that’s the thing I love about the catalog gifts: restoring dignity,” Heather explains. “Reinforcing innate human worth. Demonstrating to everyone in sight that this individual is so highly valued, so cherished and so very special in God’s eyes.”

Income-generating Christmas Gifts Break the Cycle of Poverty for Poor People in Asia - KP Yohannan - GOspel for Asia
This man and his family experienced the joy of giving after receiving a pig through Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalog. Read his story.

Gifts Help Givers to Celebrate Christmas in Missional Way

A beautiful thing about this ministry project is how we’ve learned these gifts not only change the circumstances of the gift recipients, but they also impact the givers.

GFA’s gift catalog doesn’t simply provide opportunities for families in Asia to receive practical help, it also gives families in the U.S. and around the globe the chance to celebrate Christmas in a missional way.

“These gifts can be so much fun to give,” Heather says, “and the gifts each year are the result of many ‘cheerful givers.’ But what’s really amazing is that many of these gifts will actually position the recipients to be givers themselves, perhaps for the very first time.”

As you anticipate this Christmas and the many joys of the season, may you remember the amazing love God has shown toward you and know His will in how to show that love to others.

We hope you’ve enjoyed going back with us to the origins of our Christmas Gift Catalog and the impact it’s made over the years!

To see our current Christmas Gift Catalog, go here:

Click here, to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: GFA.net | GFA Wiki | GFA Flickr

October 18, 2017

Do you ever feel weary in the midst of serving the Lord? Have you spent sleepless nights crying out to God to give you strength? Have you come to the end of yourself over and over again only to find that the next morning you have to face another day in the battle? Another day completely dependent on the Lord for His strength?

Gospel for Asia-supported national missionaries are no different. They become weary, discouraged and overwhelmed just like the rest of us. But we also share something else in common: We are all more than conquerors through Christ. Even in those bleakest moments of pain, sorrow, confusion and weariness, we can rest in the hope of God’s promises that He is ever with us, and He will not leave us.

On the topic of suffering and persevering through weakness in ministry, Munay’s story comes to mind. This dear sister in the Lord poured out her life to serve others with strength, vigor and joy. But tragedy struck. Life was not beautiful or clear. It was in moments of fogginess and tireless prayers that God brought glory and honor to His name. Here is her story:

When Cancer Tries to Take Over

Tears freely tumbled down Munay’s cheeks and spilled onto her already soaked pillow. Cancer raged inside her body even though Munay had underwent surgery and eight chemo injections. Now radiotherapy attacked her cancerous cells. Too sick to move, Munay lay on her bed. Thoughts raced in her head, moving her past the physical pain—her heart was breaking. She couldn’t die now, not yet. There was so much work yet to be done, and if she didn’t do it, who would?

When Cancer Tries to Take Over - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia
This is Munay. She journeyed through many struggles. After five years of ministry she found out she had cancer.

Finding Victory Through Prayer

Munay never experienced an easy road of ministry. She was not an eloquent speaker which made it difficult for her to convey the message of hope she carried. The individuals she served were highly educated and thought little of Munay, especially as she stumbled through her words. The youths also threw stones at her house as an attempt to scare her off. But all of this did not cause Munay to give up. Munay was convinced she was called by God, and she was prepared to face all kinds of adversity on her knees.

It was an uphill climb, but the more difficult the situations Munay faced, the more she was willing to bow her head. As a result, the Lord in His mercy answered her prayers and blessed her ministry. The local people mocked her little prayer fellowship. They tried to discourage the believers with sarcastic remarks, but Munay encouraged them and fixed her eyes heavenward alongside them.

Cancer Threatens Missionary’s Service

After five years of serving in this community, Munay found out she had cancer. This devastated Munay, but not for herself. She cried out to the Lord day and night, asking God to spare her life.

“Lord, please heal me, as I have much work remaining to do,” Munay prayed through her sobs. “I must do the work.”

However, Munay was not deterred from loving and trusting Jesus. She believed God would heal her body. Her ministry didn’t stop either. Munay encouraged her brothers and sisters in God’s Word while on her sickbed, praying and longing to be with them daily.

After a time, the Lord answered Maunay’s faith-filled prayers and brought her healing. Munay came through her terminal illness as one tried through fire!

“When you are in good health, do as much as you can for the Lord. Do not take your life for granted,” Munay exhorted her brothers and sisters, managing to stand before them as her body grew stronger. “Let us not grow weary, but let us be zealous in serving the Lord. And may the Lord not [have to] put you in a position to make you realize how little you have done. We must do the work. If we do not do it, then who will? Make the most of the life that God has given us.”

God has called many vessels who are willing to give their whole lives so others may meet the Savior. Munay’s life is one among many committed men and women who hand the Lord their very lives for the love of Christ Jesus.

Suffering and Persevering Through Weakness in Ministry - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

Overcoming Obstacles

Munay’s life gives testimony to God and His strength in weakness. Munay was not eloquent but she was willing, and this made her useful in the hands of the Lord. Though she underwent much opposition from the beginning of ministry she didn’t allow her circumstances to sway her resolve. She knew following Christ meant sacrifice, tears and sweat. And she overcame. She held on and clung to Christ in the darkest hours.

The next time you feel ready to throw in the towel of ministry, remember Munay and the many who have gone before us as they followed the Lamb. Indeed, we are more than conquerors.

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” —Romans 8:37

Click here, to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: GFA.net | GFA Wiki | GFA Flickr

October 12, 2017

God is using Gospel for Asia-supported national workers and the prayers of people all over the world to transform communities through His love.

Pastor Tamang has been serving the Lord since 2003. Throughout those years he’s experienced heartache in losing his wife, the devastation of a natural disaster and opposition from the ones he longs to serve. Yet through all this, he remains steadfast, depending on the power of prayer to help him overcome.

A Widower in the Wake

The earth rumbled. The ground shook. The walls rattled. Pastor Tamang and his houseguests rushed out of his home as the earthquake grew in strength. But before everyone could make it out, the walls crumbled under the intensity, crushing Tamang’s wife, Nirmala, beneath the wreckage of their home.

After the earthquake’s final tremor, Pastor Tamang found his wife lying lifeless in the rubble.

Many others perished in the 6.8-magnitude quake that shook parts of South Asia on September 18, 2011. Houses and churches also fell that night, leaving survivors without shelter to guard from monsoon rains or the coming winter.

Pastor Tamang lost his wife, home and church all in one night.

A Widower in the Wake - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

“I can never forget such a great incident, which changed my life completely,” Pastor Tamang says.

Tamang was left to carry on the ministry alone. The days were difficult—especially when he’d return home, half-expecting to see his wife’s encouraging smile. Nirmala actively worked alongside him, ministering to the women and children in their community.

Deep down, Tamang had a feeling the Lord had a purpose in taking Nirmala, and he knew he couldn’t give in to his loneliness. He knew he had to persevere, for there were still people living their days without knowing the One who sustains. He had been called here, and he would remain.

“It was the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayer support of my believers that helped me to stand firm after the death of my wife,” he says. “God comforted me so I can continue my ministry.”

In the years that followed, Tamang pressed onward. His congregation, made up of 66 believers, helped him whenever he’d go out for ministry. They’d talk to people and build relationships, hoping to introduce them to the love of the Savior. It wasn’t easy. Most people in the remote, mountainous region where Pastor Tamang serves aren’t open to hearing about Jesus.

“Because of the resistance we face from the people here, ministry here does not grow fast,” he says. “Because of this problem, we feel that by flesh and blood, we cannot conquer this. … I urge you to pray for our ministry here.

Why Pastors and Missionaries Need Prayer

Pastor Tamang’s plea for people to pray for his ministry is a plea many pastors and missionaries in Asia can echo. They’re serving in territories long held captive by the spiritual powers of darkness.

  • They face resistance. As Pastor Tamang experienced, hearts harden at the mention of Jesus’ name. They believe that to embrace Christ would be to lower their social standing. It would also mean turning their backs on their ancestral faith. 
  • They face persecution. Angry neighbors accuse them of disrupting the peace. Some missionaries end up beaten or thrown in prison for years.
  • They also face personal struggles. Many Gospel for Asia-supported workers have been disowned by their families that are staunchly against their decision to love and follow Jesus. There are others who have lost loved ones, like Pastor Tamang. Then there are others going through significant health problems.

Yet these brothers and sisters in the Lord willingly enter into the sufferings of Christ. And through the power of prayer and fasting, GFA-supported national missionaries and pastors are seeing tremendous breakthroughs in their ministries!

We Stand Beside National Missionaries

Gospel for Asia links believers from all over the world through prayer and its support program. For nearly 40 years, people have stood beside GFA-supported workers as they seek to share the love of God through word and deed with their fellow countrymen. 

National Missionary praying in Asia - gfa

These national workers overflow with deep compassion for the people around them. They bring comfort, hope and peace to those who are searching for these very things. They provide income-producing gifts to poor and destitute families. They pray for healings, breakthroughs, deliverance—and they see God answer those prayers!

Like Pastor Tamang, GFA-supported workers know that their ministries are not founded in “flesh and blood.” They are founded in the power of Christ and prayer in His name. As men, women and children across the globe join them in prayer, they see breakthroughs in their ministries.

The Apostle Paul knew the truth of this mystery. He asked the body of believers in Colossae to pray for him: “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains…” (Colossian 4:24).

He also asked the believers in Thessalonica to pray for him: “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you…” (2 Thessalonians 3:1)

Will You Join Us in Fervent Prayer?

We at GFA pray constantly and fervently for our brothers and sisters in Asia, never faltering to drop to our knees so that the word of God may run swiftly and be glorified. Will you join us in praying fervently for our brothers and sisters in Asia?

We would love to know how you are praying for God’s work in Asia and around the world. Share your prayers in the comments below so others can join with you as we partner together to see the Lord’s name glorified.


* “A Widower in the Wake” first published in GFA’s magazine GFA World, March 2016.

Read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: GFA.net | GFA Wiki | GFA Flickr

August 31, 2017

Sponsoring National Missionaries

1. Sponsoring National Missionaries

We connect you with a national worker (or multiple workers) in Asia—these simple, humble servants of God minister to people’s deepest needs both physically and spiritually, in communities throughout Asia.

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Sponsoring Children

2. Sponsoring Children

More than 82,000 children from impoverished families are being given hope and a brighter future through GFA’s Bridge of Hope Program. This sponsorship program provides a way for children in India, Nepal and other parts of Asia to receive an education, medical checkups and more in Jesus’ name.

Learn more 

Developing Communities

3. Developing Communities

Many families in the communities we serve do not have the basic necessities needed for healthy living. We meet these needs by providing things like clean water, income producing farm animals, sewing machines and vocational training.

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Disaster Relief and Compassionate Care

4. Disaster Relief and Compassionate Care

GFA-supported national workers serve victims of natural disasters and those who are often rejected by society, like widows and leprosy patients. Our Compassion Services teams love the Lord and serve the needy from that same heart.

Learn more

August 31, 2017

Since 1979, Gospel for Asia (now GFA World) has been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time. GFA supports national workers serving as the hands and feet of Christ in four main ways. Sponsoring national missionaries to minister to people’s needs, sponsoring children, investing in community development, and helping families in need of care or during disasters.

Gospel for Asia is about changing communities—both for this life and for eternity. We serve the Lord in more than a dozen Asian nations including India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos, and Thailand. We have also recently launched our first-ever Mission in Africa, particularly in Rwanda.


National missionaries

GFA’s main focus is to train and equip national missionaries who come from different cultures and languages rather than nation-states. This selection provides GFA with people within a single nation-state who are specialized in the particular village that they are ministering to. Some of these missionaries actually belong to these villages which makes it easier for them to share the love of Christ. In 2018 GFA reported that they have over 16,000 missionaries and church planters in 18 Asian nations.

Church buildings, Bibles, and gospel literature

Part of GFA’s program for discipleship is the establishment of Christian worship centers in small villages. These centers also provide a visible meeting place for Christians. In major cities, GFA builds large cathedral-type buildings to cater to bigger congregations. Similarly, GFA distributes native-language bibles and evangelical Christian literature to the region.

Radio and television broadcasts

GFA provides biblical content through its radio program, Athmeeya Yathra (Spiritual Journey) and its YouTube channel, Athmeeyayathra Television.

Bible colleges

GFA has established 56 bible colleges in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. These institutions train native missionaries within their own dialects and cultures so that they will be effective ministers. The program includes three years of instruction, including field instruction and experience.

Bridge of Hope

Bridge of Hope is a child sponsorship program for poor families in underserved communities, especially lower-caste families and Dalits. The program offers education, physical and spiritual care, including healthcare training and vocational training for women.


Jesus Well Gospel for Asia
This is a Jesus Well in a remote village in Asia.

In response to water shortage problems in communities, GFA digs wells for long-term use near churches, bible colleges, or Bridge of Hope centers. These wells are turned over to the local church and are maintained by a local pastor.

Leprosy Ministry

This ministry is also called “Reaching Friends Ministry” to help people suffering from the disease through social and relief work, medical aid, and health and hygiene awareness.

Expansion to Africa

In 2020, GFA started World Child Sponsorship in the slums of Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. It also include training national missionaries, clean water projects, medical ministry, education for the underprivileged, women’s empowerment, and community development projects.

Affiliate Offices

GFA has or had 14 known affiliated LLCs registered in Willis Point, TX as well as national offices in various countries in which they operate mission efforts.

Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church is administratively based in the state of Kerala in southwestern India. It was reorganizd in 2015 into 33 dioceses. Its membership includes over 3.5 million people in 10 countries speaking a hundred languages. The Church currently has 30 Bishops, and the current Metropolitan Bishop is Athanasius Yohan I.

GFA Canada

The GFA Canada office is registered with the Canadian government. It was established in 1986 and is located in Ontario. As a charity office, it provides disaster relief among other humanitarian efforts to communities.


Dr. K.P. Yohannan founded Gospel for Asia as a Christian NGO in 1978. In the US, the organization is located in Wills Point, TX. In 1981, a branch was established in Kerala, India. Another headquarters was set up in Tiruvalla in 1983. GFA has also established bible colleges, compassion and community development projects, and disaster relief operations. GFA is supported by donations and has been considered to be “one of the most financially powerful mission undertakings in India in the 1980s.


In 2014, a group of over 10 former Gospel for Asia staff members called the GFA Diaspora wrote two letters. While their concerns were mostly regarding GFA leadership,[44] they were also concerned for GFA’s donors. More info about this is provided here.

What Others Are Saying About Gospel for Asia

George Verwer shares why he stands with Gospel for Asia
George Verwer shares why he stands with Gospel for Asia

“Gospel for Asia is not a movement but a phenomenon. GFA has become one of the most significant mission organizations of this century.

“I praise God for the great love and commitment of K.P. and Gisela Yohannan for the people of Asia. Millions have received the Word of God because of them and the ministry of Gospel for Asia.”

—George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization and world missions advocate

Ajith Fernando, teaching director of Sri Lanka's Youth for Christ
Ajith Fernando, teaching director of Sri Lanka’s Youth for Christ


“I am grateful for the training that Gospel for Asia has given to many evangelists who are effectively reaping the ripe harvest fields of Sri Lanka.”

—Ajith Fernando, teaching director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka

Paul Louis Cole, president of Christian Men's Network
Paul Louis Cole, president of Christian Men’s Network

“Dr. K.P. Yohannan is a missionary statesman, a pastor to pastors, a mission leader to mission leaders, and a father to the fatherless. At Christian Men’s Network, we look for deserving men around the world to highlight as role models for our Global Fatherhood Initiative. My introduction to Dr. Yohannan was reading Against the Wind, Finishing Well in a World of Compromise, which stirred me deeply. In a unanimous decision, the CMN board presented Dr. Yohannan with the first annual Reggie White Fatherhood Award, to honor his demonstration for over 40 years of what it means to be a father by providing leadership to compassionate workers of faith and hope to the defeated.”

—Rev. Paul Louis Cole, D.Th., president of Christian Men’s Network

Francis Chan, pastor and author
Francis Chan, pastor and author

“K.P. has been a mentor to me for years. The way that he speaks to God and about Him is different from anyone else I know. His words and actions have led to me loving Jesus more consistently and deeply. He continues to be an example to me. For this, I am eternally grateful.”

-Francis Chan, pastor and author

Read more quotes
25 Christian Leaders affirm Gospel for Asia

Gospel for Asia is also a community inspiring others in the West to be committed to Christ

GFA’s first Core Value is knowing the Lord Jesus more fully and intimately. This value is lived out daily by GFA staff and since its inception; GFA has provided ways for people to live out their commitment to Christ.

GFA School of Discipleship in Texas

GFA School of Discipleship in Texas

GFA created an immersive, authentic discipleship program for youth ages 18 – 27. Daily students are challenged to “die to yourself” while living in a community of believers who love Christ and serve others.

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Prayer Team

Prayer Team

The foundation of GFA’s ministry is prayer. We know nothing is accomplished without prayer, and therefore, we give it a place of priority. GFA-supported missionaries and GFA staff around the world pray consistently and with great fervor for those who have yet to comprehend the depth of God’s love and grace.

Join us in prayer

Learn more about Gospel for Asia


KP Yohannan – Founder of GFA

Dr. KP Yohannan is the founder and director of Gospel for Asia and author of numerous books including Revolution in World Missions.

More about KP

What We Believe

GFA’s Mission and Beliefs

Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to live lives fully pleasing to Him. Find out more of what we believe and what drives us.

More about GFA’s Mission


Countries We Serve

GFA supports work in more than ten countries around the world including India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Learn More

May 17, 2024

MOORESVILLE, NC — KP Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) — founder of missions agency GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia) who died May 8 — once said to me: “I’m just a skinny kid from India who grew up to be a follower of Jesus.”

Genuine humility was the mark of the man — a man whom God would choose to launch one of the greatest missionary movements the world has ever seen.

KP Yohannan: The Gentle Man Who Shook the Missions World
KP Yohannan aka Metropolitan Yohan (1950-2024)

Born into obscurity in the village of Niranam in Kerala, South India, little “Yohannachan” — as he was known — was the youngest of six boys. His mother, a devout Christian, faithfully prayed and fasted for years that one of her sons would become a preacher of the gospel.

A shy, timid boy, KP would later say he was the most unlikely candidate to become an evangelist. He could barely speak to his neighbor, let alone preach to a crowd.

But, just like Moses in the Bible, God had made his sovereign choice of servant — a divine appointment that had its beginnings centuries earlier when St. Thomas, the Apostle, came to KP’s district and established the first church in India in A.D. 52.

Had it not been for St. Thomas — the “Doubter” turned fervent missionary — the gospel might not have come to Kerala; his mother might not have become a believer and dedicated her sons to God; and the story of KP Yohannan’s extraordinary life might have been very different.

‘Come, Die, and Live!’

Curious and excited, 16-year-old KP attended a local event where an American missionary named George Verwer, the leader of Operation Mobilization (OM), challenged the gathering of young people to a radical life of total abandonment to Jesus Christ: “I invite you to come, die to yourself, and live!”

From that moment, KP’s life was never the same.

His heart broke for the masses who’d never heard about God’s love for them, those living in poverty, widows, orphans, and children with eyes void of hope. An outrageous dream and vision grew in his mind: to share the love of Christ amid the villages across Asia, and throughout the entire world.

But how would this dream take flight?

When young KP came to America in 1974, fresh from the mission fields of India, he began to share his Holy Spirit-inspired vision with others. With an initial gift of $10, the vision grew fledgling wings. Gospel for Asia — now GFA World — was ready to fly.

Spurred by KP’s passionate preaching, churches in America and the West learned of those waiting to hear the message of God’s love and heavenly hope, multitudes eager for good news of Jesus. KP shared his dream: locally-trained native missionaries, supported by their brothers and sisters in the West, heading out on foot to the remotest villages, carrying nothing but the love of Christ and his life-transforming gospel.

Native — or national — missionaries, KP suggested, were better equipped and suited to reach their own people than Western missionaries who required years of language study and cultural orientation, and often faced obstacles and expenses that locals didn’t.

KP’s vision ignited a revolution in world missions — spawning a bestselling book of the same name. The resulting “national missionary” movement shook the missions world, turning the established Western missionary-sending model upside down.

His impassioned pleas on behalf of the suffering masses who’d never heard the gospel both challenged and rattled Western believers to the core. KP spoke with a compassionate authority. He told it like it was. While many Christians and churches in the West had slipped into lethargy and inertia, millions around the globe were sinking into eternity without knowing Christ.

‘Live in Light of Eternity’

“Live every day in light of eternity,” KP urged believers everywhere. “In 50 years’ time, nothing else will matter — only what you’ve done for Christ.”

As he passed his 70th birthday, KP’s focus on eternity — and his desire to “finish well” — only accelerated.

The last time we spoke, just weeks ago, he said: “I don’t have much time left. I want to serve the Lord more. I want to love him more deeply. To see his love transform the world.”

He even took time to pray with me.

A man full of grace. A man whose active compassion for others — no matter their station or position in life — shone with the love of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

KP Yohannan. Gigantic dreamer and missionary statesman.

Spiritual mentor and inspiration to millions.

Humbly, gently, loving others all the way into eternity.


Julian Lukins, InChrist Communications

About K P Yohannan

K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan), founder and director of GFA World (Gospel for Asia) and Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church (BEC), until his passing into eternity on May 8, 2024, had written more than 250 books, including Revolution in World Missions, an international bestseller with more than 4 million copies in print. He and his wife, Gisela, have two grown children, Daniel and Sarah, who both serve the Lord with their families.

About GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia)

GFA World is a leading faith-based global mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across the world, especially in Africa and Asia, and sharing the love of God. In a typical year, this includes thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children, free medical camps conducted in more than 880 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 163,000 needy families, and teaching to provide hope and encouragement in 110 languages in 14 nations through broadcast ministry. GFA World has launched programs in Africa, starting with compassion projects in Rwanda. For all the latest news, visit the Press Room at https://gfanews.org/news.

Learn more about KP Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan): Facebook | SourceWatch | 6 Remarkable Facts | 10 Milestones | Condolences | Tributes

Notable News about KP Yohannan: MissionsBox | NRB | Patheos | Crosswalk

April 4, 2024

WILLS POINT, TX — It’s one of the most remarkable stories in the colossal quest to provide clean drinking water to every person on the planet.

The “Jesus Wells” project, a monumental undertaking of Texas-based mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org), is 25 years old this year — and on the cusp of delivering safe, clean drinking water to its 40 millionth beneficiary.

GFA World Jesus Wells project to reach 40 million with safe drinking water
CLEAN WATER AVAILABLE FOR MILLIONS: The “Jesus Wells” project, a monumental undertaking of Texas-based mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org), is 25 years old this year — and on the cusp of providing safe drinking water to its 40 millionth beneficiary.

“As we mark World Water Day this month, we’re grateful for all who have sacrificed and labored to make the Jesus Wells project what it is today,” said GFA World founder K.P. Yohannan, also known as Metropolitan Yohan.

So far, the project has supplied reliable, clean drinking water to more than 39 million people in some of the world’s poorest communities — often in remote, parched areas — through a combination of new wells, water pipelines and filters.

This year, it aims to surpass 40 million beneficiaries, launching hundreds of new projects across Africa and Asia.

They’re called “Jesus Wells” because they display a plaque quoting Jesus in the Gospel of John: “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.”

‘Hidden Catastrophe’

According to UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, 2.2 billion people worldwide — more than 1 in every 4 — lack safe drinking water.

Every year, it’s estimated more than 500,000 people worldwide die from diseases such as cholera and dysentery due to drinking dirty water.

“It’s a global catastrophe that’s largely hidden from us in America,” Yohannan said.

In Asia, GFA World’s team constructed an almost two-mile-long water pipeline through a mountain rainforest infested with blood-sucking leeches to rescue villagers whose water source was swamped with mud, feces, dead snakes and rotting animal carcasses.

The pipeline feeds water tanks that supply filtered spring water to every home. The organization has installed a similar water system in nine more villages in the area.

Since then, the attitude toward Christians in the area has “completely changed,” Yohannan said.

“They welcome the missionaries into their homes to share God’s love,” he said. “They witnessed for themselves how Christians love and care for people, regardless of their religion or social background.”

About GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia)

GFA World is a leading faith-based global mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across the world, especially in Africa and Asia, and sharing the love of God. In a typical year, this includes thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children, free medical camps conducted in more than 880 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 163,000 needy families, and teaching to provide hope and encouragement in 110 languages in 14 nations through broadcast ministry. GFA World has launched programs in Africa, starting with compassion projects in Rwanda. For all the latest news, visit the Press Room at https://gfanews.org/news.

Media interested in interviews with GFA World should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or gwooding@inchristcommuications.com

May 17, 2023

WILLS POINT, TX – KP Yohannan, founder and director of GFA World (Gospel for Asia), which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, and Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide — shares on the impact of George Verwer, his life and ministry, radically changing lives.

KP Yohannan: 'I invite you to come, die, and live.' I listened as George Verwer issued that unforgettable challenge to 400 young people like me.
George Verwer and K.P. Yohannan on a prayer walk together January, 31, 2020, in London, England.

“I invite you to come, die, and live.”

Those eight words! I’d never heard anything like it.

As a 17-year-old from a village in India, I listened open-mouthed at a mission conference as George Verwer issued that unforgettable challenge to 400 young people like me.

That night, I tossed and turned, agonizing over George’s invitation. I knew the Lord was calling me to go to places where people had never heard the name of Jesus, and the consequences could be persecution, sufferings, even death. These were the places George was always burning with readiness to go to.

On April 14, when George — radical evangelist and founder of Operation Mobilization (OM) — went to be with the Lord Jesus, the mission world lost a giant role model, and I lost my life mentor and one of my closest friends.

My life was fashioned, mentored, by one human being more than any other, George Verwer. I cannot think of anyone in my life journey that lived such an authentic, humble, broken life and showed such passion for the lost. I’ve studied the life of the Apostle Paul, and I watched George live out that same passion and focus. He showed me what it means to be both passionate about Christ and compassionate toward a hurting, lost world. George was among those incredibly rare believers who — like the Apostle Paul — could have said: “Follow my example, as I follow Christ’s.”

So Human, So Real

And follow George I did! In those early years, George would lead our youthful band of missionaries on the streets all day, handing out gospel tracts. At night, he’d lead prayer meetings that sometimes went on until 6 a.m. I’d never even heard of some of the places we were praying for, but George had such a genuine love for every nation. He was so human, so real.

When George came to India, he instilled in us the passion to reach our own people with the gospel at a time when everyone else was sending American and European missionaries. He showed us we could be missionaries. We could take the love of Christ to our people — and beyond.

George knew how to share Christ’s love like no one I’ve ever known. He loved people, and I experienced this personally. During a crisis in my own life, George flew from England to Texas to spend two days with me, praying with me and encouraging me. When others abandoned me, George stayed with me to the end.

And George was never interested in material comforts. He could have run a global empire. He could have lived like a king. Instead, he chose to live in a small house in England and drive a clunky, old car. When I showed up to visit, underdressed for the English weather, he gave me his scarf to keep me warm. That was the type of person George was.

George was among those incredibly rare believers who—like the Apostle Paul—could have said: “Follow my example, as I follow Christ’s.”

Catalyst That Launched A Global Movement

George Verwer and K.P. Yohannan at the Set Apart Retreat at GFA World in 2022.
George Verwer and K.P. Yohannan at the Set Apart Retreat at GFA World in 2022.

Looking back, George’s invitation to “come, die, and live” was the catalyst that God would use to begin Gospel for Asia, now GFA World, the global mission I started and have been privileged to lead for almost 45 years.

During that sleepless night more than a half-century ago, I responded to George’s challenge: “Lord, I have nothing to offer you,” I prayed, “but if you want me, I give you everything I am.”

The Lord heard my prayer and used this skinny teenager from an unknown village. Over the past four decades, GFA World has trained over 100,000 young people in the knowledge of God, teaching them to serve millions of Asia’s poorest people through Christ’s love in word and deed, and is now expanding into Africa. All this through the incredible life and influence of one man — George Verwer.

George’s life was a real life, a radical life, a life lived for the nations of the world, a life completely given over to the will of Christ.

That’s why when people ask me, “Who’s been the greatest influence on your life?” there’s no hesitation. George Verwer walked a very narrow road. By God’s grace, I will walk that road, too.

And now I think about George in heaven. He is not dead; he is just departed to be with Christ. I can see him now busy talking with the saints like St. Paul and St. Thomas who planted a church in Niranam, India, where I was born. Lord, please help me to run my race and finish as George did, holy unto the faith.

About KP Yohannan

KP Yohannan, founder and director of GFA World (Gospel for Asia) and Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church (BEC), has written more than 250 books, including Revolution in World Missions, an international bestseller with more than four million copies in print. He and his wife, Gisela, have two grown children, Daniel and Sarah, who both serve the Lord with their families.

About GFA World (Gospel for Asia)

GFA World (Gospel for Asia) is a leading faith-based global mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across the world, especially in Asia and Africa, and sharing the love of God. In a typical year, this includes thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children, free medical camps conducted in more than 880 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 163,000 needy families, and teaching to provide hope and encouragement in 110 languages in 14 nations through broadcast ministry. GFA World has launched programs in Africa, starting with compassion projects in Rwanda. For all the latest news, visit the Press Room at https://gfanews.org/news/.

Media interested in interviews should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or gwooding@inchristcommuications.com

December 8, 2022

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, discussing Madock, the challenges of poverty, and the alleviation a bicycle from Gospel for Asia (GFA World) gift distribution brings.

Madock was a busy man. A daily laborer by trade, the 32-year-old father of three walked three miles to work every day. Every morning, he awoke early, hauling his tired body out of bed to ensure he made it to work on time. The long hours and constant journeys back and forth to provide for his family drained him of all energy. With each passing day, Madock found it more and more difficult to keep up with the demands of his labor.

The Encroaching Exhaustion

GFA World discussing Madock, the challenges of poverty, and the alleviation a bicycle from GFA World gift distribution brings.
Like this man pictured, Madock can more easily make a living for his family through the gift of a bicycle, which staved off the exhaustion suffered from constantly walking.

A year prior, Madock’s mother had been sick with an unknown ailment, and multiple doctors could not discern what was wrong. Eventually, Madock heard about a church led by Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Rafferty and asked for his help.

By God’s grace, Madock’s mother was completely healed, which led to Madock and his entire family embracing God’s love. The family began attending Pastor Rafferty’s church, wanting to grow in that love. Or at least, they tried to attend.

In the following months, the hard labor Madock performed, combined with the journey he made day and night, took its toll. The fatigue never truly left, and Madock often found it difficult to make it to work.

Sometimes, Madock and his family couldn’t make it to church, despite his desires and best efforts. He wanted to worship the Lord with other believers and grow in his faith, but his tired body would not let him. He also needed to save what little energy he could muster for his job. No matter how much Madock wanted to do both, he couldn’t.

Blessing on Wheels

Pastor Rafferty, seeing the conflict in Madock’s life, decided to alleviate both concerns. There was an upcoming gift distribution, where those in need could come and receive tools to help them in their lives. After consulting with his leadership for approval, Pastor Rafferty added Madock’s name to the list of recipients.

At the distribution event, Madock received a bicycle, which immediately lifted the burden of his daily travel—and eventually eliminated the mounting weariness that had tried to control his life.

Riding his bicycle to work every morning brought great joy to Madock, for the ability to save his energy for work meant he could effectively provide for his family and faithfully grow in God’s love and joy.

Learn how you can bring about change in the life of an individual in need of a bicycle.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, A Father’s Fight Against Fatigue

Learn more about how generosity can change lives. Through GFA World (Gospel for Asia) and its Christmas Gift Catalog, gifts like pigs, bicycles and sewing machines break the cycle of poverty and show Christ’s love to impoverished families in Asia. One gift can have a far-reaching impact, touching families and rippling out to transform entire communities.

Learn more by reading these Special Reports from GFA World:

Read more on GFA World Missionaries and Christmas Gift Catalog on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

November 15, 2022

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, discussing a village in destitution, and the Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastors that provide toilets bringing health and sanitation.

As the two men walked through the village, they noted destitution, poverty and another problem common to many communities: poor sanitation. Each home bore these same signs, which made it clear there were no suitable sanitation facilities, no toilets. Something needed to be done; the villagers couldn’t live like this. The two Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionaries then resolved on a plan to help these families.

Unavoidable Dangers

GFA World discussing a village in destitution, and the GFA pastors that provide toilets bringing health and sanitation.
Impoverished families who are gifted with outdoor toilets no longer have to worry about the dangers of a lack of adequate sanitation facilities.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Nikolos, his wife and their two sons lived and served in a rural village where the main source of income was daily labor, followed by farming. Most families barely made enough to keep themselves afloat. As it was, every single penny earned went for food and providing for any emergency needs. Anything else was completely out of the question—including toilets.

When Pastor Nikolos walked through his village, what he saw dismayed him. Without a designated and safe area to relieve themselves, the villagers used any private place they could find, which was normally the area around their homes. The unsanitary conditions were unfit for anyone to live in. But the environment was perfect for something: infection. Poor sanitation is a leading cause of diarrheal diseases, according to the World Health Organization—and diarrheal diseases are among the foremost causes of death in children. So not only did the villagers live in constant fear of disease, but when they relieved themselves at night, they also risked poisonous insects and venomous snakes.

The villagers couldn’t live like this, and Pastor Nikolos knew it.

Fighting off Disease, Despair

In response, the pastor put in a call to his leadership, who sent Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Jiles to help. Pastor Jiles leads the sanitation ministries in the area, and his job was to determine exactly how and in what capacity he and Pastor Nikolos could help the villagers. After the pastors’ walk-through, five families were identified as those who could benefit most from a toilet. With the recipients chosen, the pastors informed the families of what the workers were planning, much to the villagers’ joy. Then, construction began.

Once the toilets were completed, the families could not express their gratitude enough. Now, they would be able relieve themselves without fear of illness or infection. No more constantly living in anxiety; no more putting themselves at risk of venomous attacks in the dark. Now their homes and the immediate areas are cleaner, far less likely to spread disease.

The families thanked Pastor Nikolos, who in turn thanked his leadership and the sponsors who make such gifts to impoverished families possible. It is together that they can bring these families the relief they needed from poor hygiene, the protection they needed from animal attacks, and the dignity they deserve.

Read how toilets helped protect families and instilled hope in a village.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, GFA Pastors Provide Toilets for Village

Learn how to help protect people’s health, prevent diseases and help cure illnesses through donating towards Medical Camps, Mosquito Nets and constructing Outdoor Toilets.

Learn more by reading this GFA World Special Report: Fight Against Open Defecation Continues – Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

Read more on Toilets and Christmas Gift Catalog on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

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