Life doesn’t come with a user manual. Unfortunately, neither do children. You don’t get a copy of “Raising Kids for Idiots” before you leave Labor and Delivery. It’s a free-for-all at times, but just like life, we push through. Because we cherish our lives and our children, we do our best not to completely screw up on either front.
Good Men Project is doing a series of interviews, “Portraits of Fatherhood”. This week, I am honored to share my story. We’ll talk about my best and worst parenting moments and how my wife and I balance the craziness of raising our family.
Since my worst parenting moment happened during a two-week interpreting assignment, I also signed a portion of my story in American Sign Language. Good Men Project embraces men of all cultures, so any dads out there who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing can now see a portion of my story in their language.
In making my biggest mistake, I learned life’s greatest lesson.
Check out the full interview by clicking right here.
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