What Does the Bible Say About Self-Care?

What Does the Bible Say About Self-Care? November 18, 2016

I’ve talked about my struggle with busyness before. It’s never been worse than during my days as a youth pastor. I wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t eating well, and never slowed down. I was dying inside because I had  no idea that my greatest calling was to love my neighbor and greatest responsibility was to care for myself.

I failed to see the great need for cultivating a relationship with my wife and my children. Because of my lack of boundaries and an unwillingness to tell people “no”, I was keeping the people who loved me the most at a distance.

Eventually, the stress was more than I could bear, and I tried to kill myself.
Since those dark and desperate days, I’ve worked hard to focus on my recovery and have learned invaluable self-care tips and tricks. As a pastor, I’ve also noticed several places in the Bible where self-care is promoted.
What does the Bible say about self-care?
Source: Pexels

Click here to join me on Identity Network for 3 Examples of Self-Care in the Bible.

To order your copy of Self-Care for the Wounded Soul, just click here to go to MySelfCareBook.com

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