My Story isn't Over; An Exclusive with Project Semicolon

My Story isn't Over; An Exclusive with Project Semicolon January 14, 2016

In my own experience, the cruelness of life tried to insert a period, but grace replaced it with a semicolon. A modern Selah. A pause. A moment to say, my story isn’t over. Light eventually came  rushing in, right when I least expected it.

The folks at Project Semicolon are doing their part to share the Light. Project Semicolon began in the spring of 2013, when founder Amy Bleuel wanted to honor her father whom she lost to suicide. Through the semicolon symbol many have found an emblem that captures the struggle of depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide, along with their will to keep fighting. Project Semicolon also represents a belief that even awful moments are not the end, but another beginning.


Join me at Venn Magazine for an exciting announcement and a call to action from Project Semicolon. Just click here.

And stay tuned next week for an exclusive interview with my friend, Amy Bleuel, founder of Project Semicolon.

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