October 30, 2016

Abuse, addiction, and a suicide attempt weren't the end of Steve Austin's story. In fact, a suicide attempt is where Steve's life began. Watch the video today! Read more

October 29, 2016

A lack of self-care nearly killed me. Since my suicide attempt self-care has revolutionized my life, my marriage, and the way I parent. Check out these three, simple self-care tips. Read more

October 28, 2016

Tommy actually ordered one of those hats. Yes, that hat! The hat with absolutely no style. You know the one. The one in bright red that has a meaningless political slogan on it. Except, Tommy’s hat is in camo. Yes, a camouflage political hat. And he’s pretty damn proud of it, as he says. Read more

October 26, 2016

Life can become too busy. The crowds and pressure to go with the flow will confront you. Automatic thoughts, judgments, and stigma can fill our minds. Often, we are cruel, harsh and hateful to ourselves. What can prepare you and I is taking time to reflect, to pause and to pray. Read more

October 25, 2016

The fight with fear and self-doubt is universal, but as parent, it seems even worse. Read more

October 24, 2016

If you have ever felt hopeless, if you have ever believed that all the bad things in your life were beyond redemption, if you have ever felt unworthy of being loved or accepted, if you have ever feared what would happen if people found out whatever it is that haunts you - I get it. I have been there, too. Maybe you are recovering from abuse, addiction, or a suicide attempt like me. Maybe you are struggling with anxiety or depression and don’t know why yet. No matter what your starting point is, the tools in brand-new book, Self-Care for the Wounded Soul: 21 Days of Messy Grace will help you begin to answer the question, “Now what?” Read more

October 19, 2016

I've been reluctant to share anything spiritual or vulnerable lately, for fear of it being ripped to shreds by 'the world’ or over-analyzed by Christians. But vulnerability is beautiful and it inspires me to do better; to be better. I've been walking around wearing shame like an overcoat. Each shortcoming and mistake has added to the weight of that coat, like one of those little playground pebbles. I took the pebbles at first, placing them one-by-one into the pockets of my coat. I was able to ignore them and continue to function, but even tiny rocks become heavy after a while. Read more

October 18, 2016

Billy was a teen in our church youth group in Nashville. He seemed a happy-go-lucky sort of guy. Sure, we knew there was some trouble within the home, but it never seemed to bother him. To this day I remember his perpetual smile. The same smile that would be forever gone the day he took a shotgun to his face and blew his own brains out. Read more

October 17, 2016

I grew up with the belief that sin was kryptonite for the Christian. Sin would lock you in the belly of a whale, or steal all of your power. For years - decades - that was my understanding of the concept. No more. No less. But what about today? How does sin apply to my life...and yours...today? Read more

October 14, 2016

This week’s question is another great, seemingly simple question: what does it mean to be a good Christian? Much like last week’s question, in my old life, I would have had a quick answer. I was a black and white religious guy with no room for gray areas. But now that messy grace has transformed my life, I can see how much we need to revisit the basics of our faith, not just for the sake of new Christians, but for those of us who continually need to shed the scales from our eyes. So what does it mean to be a good Christian? Read more

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