September 10, 2015

Justin Taylor has posted a quote from David Wells regarding contextualization.  I recently wrote about the danger of “de-contextualizing” the gospel (which feels a bit like finding the above stormtroopers gaurding your local mall). So, I found Wells comments particularly eye catching. Within the extended quotation, Wells writes: Biblical revelation was given in a particular cultural context but it is also intended to be heard in our own context. . . . It is the task of theology, then, to... Read more

September 10, 2015

This video is so beautifully relevant for understanding what it takes to do contextualization. This magician helps us understand the power of empathetic perspective taking. As you watch, continually apply what he says in your mind to contextualization. Any thoughts? Read more

September 9, 2015

There are many ways that Christians share the gospel around the world. Despite the variety of methods used, the most common gospel presentations have at least one thing in common. They largely skip directly from creation to Christ. Typically, if there is a reference to Israel story, it will be incidental or non-essential. In view of my previous few posts, we need to consider whether this is ok. Does Israel’s story matter? Should the Abrahamic covenant shape our evangelism methods?... Read more

September 3, 2015

This is the third and final week I’ll be giving away free books. This week, I want to try something different. I would like for you to send me your story. Specifically, I would like you to answer this question: How is your ministry influenced by honor and shame?   This is broadly stated to give you freedom to reply as you like. You may share stories about ways that understanding honor and shame have led to breakthroughs in your... Read more

September 2, 2015

I had a number of concerns in mind when I wrote One Gospel for All Nations. One of them is a tendency among missionaries (among others): People tend to do contextualization by decontextualizing the Bible. What do I mean? In order to make the gospel understandable, they typically reduce the message to a few key principles or ideas that essentially strip the Christian story from its historical and narrative context. Where is this trend most evident? The almost total omission... Read more

September 1, 2015

The winner from week one’s book giveaway is hquach, who signed up to receive blog posts directly to his mailbox. Congrats!  hquach will receive three free books of his/her choice as offered in the giveaway. (hquach, I have your full email address and will contact you soon).  If you didn’t win, don’t forget I am giving away more books this week. You can still enter your name.  See my previous post to see how to when free books this week.  Read more

September 1, 2015

In case you hadn’t heard, here is a great resource called The Bible Project. These guys create short 4–5 minute videos that beautifully summarize biblical books and themes. The art is very well done. The narration is thorough and engaging. Below, I’ve embedded a sample of their work. It provides an overview of the first half of Exodus. Find them on Twitter @JoinBibleProj Keep up with them on Facebook via   Read more

August 31, 2015

It’s great to see a few early reviews of “One Gospel for All Nations.” If you are interested in hearing what others are saying, check them out. 1. Werner Mischke, Vice-President of Mission ONE, has written a generous and thorough review over at his blog. 2. Tabor Laughlin, who serves Chinese in East Asia, has written kind review of as well. I’m so thankful for their earnest engagement with the ideas in the book. If you ever write a review... Read more

August 27, 2015

Last week, I celebrated my move to Patheos by giving away books. I’ll announce the winner soon. It’s so fun to give stuff away that I want to keep doing it. However, this week, I want to celebrate the release of my new book One Gospel for All Nations.  Ways to enter the drawing 3 entries       Follow the Blog or sign up for emails 2 entries        Follow me on Twitter or Facebook 2 entries        Write a review of One Gospel for... Read more

August 27, 2015

The kind folks at EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly) have just made available for free my article “How Would Jesus Tell It? Crafting Stories from an Honor-Shame Perspective”! So, if you don’t already have a subscription to EMQ and are interested in subjects like honor-shame and story crafting, then here’s an opportunity to check out that article. While you’re there, you will want to survey what other EMQ articles might interest you. Read more

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