2020 Is The Year Of The Witch

2020 Is The Year Of The Witch January 2, 2020

2020 will be a year of intense spiritual awakening and societal transition. A time for the witch to claim her power by returning to the sacred crossroads of Hekate. We’re entering a period when the true power of the Goddess and her Witches will be revealed. It is certain to be a wild ride, but it is one that we are ready for.

The Power Of The Witch

In “Why Hekate And Her Witches Are Necessary Now More Than Ever,“I wrote:

Hekate is not a goddess for everyone, but she is absolutely necessary for humanity to survive, just as we, her witches, are. Not those who dabble at sorcery or manifestation, but those of us who go deep into the night to retrieve our souls, and shine the light for others so they, too, can find healing in her dark, wet womb. We are a requirement for this planet, with a vital role to play in maintaining the balance of the world. 

2020 is a crossroads year for this planet, and it is at these thresholds of time when Hekate emerges in all her glory. We come, on this wheel of time we walk, to this place as individuals and on the large scale. She has always been there waiting our return.

From upcoming television shows, like Circe and Motherland: Fort Salem, to the massive reclaiming of witchcraft as a sacred practice, this will be our year on the grand scale. In our personal journeys, we will be in conjunct with this societal reformation.

The witch who wields her own sacred power in alignment with the forces of the world to bring about change. The return of the Goddess in all her majesty, the Three-Formed Mother of All. 

For centuries, the sacred feminine has been reduced to stereotypes. While not all witches are women, it is those like me who have been ridiculed and punished for our ways by a male dominated system of oppression. Of course, others have been marginalized as well. I’m writing from my perspective of as woman witch and daughter of the Goddess Hekate, and I’m speaking to my spiritual kin who are rising strong.

It’s Written In The Stars

The stars are aligned with this time of personal and societal reclaiming, too.  2020 will see major planetary cycles complete and begin anew, representing a crossroads that is written in the stars. All these cycles are deeply associated with Hekatean energy, including Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. What is happening is an astrological awakening of the divine feminine the likes of which haven’t been seen for ages. These changes are known to astrologers as the start of “The Great Transformation” occurring throughout the next decade, 2020-2030.

We Are Feeling The Shift

I asked members of my online coven about what they were sensing about 2020. Many of them responded that they felt a personal awakening that was deeply entwined with impeding societal shifts. There was a consensus that this is our time to reclaim our sacredness and the right to practice witchcraft as a beautiful spiritual path, without dogma or stigmatization.

Listen to me talk more about why the time of the witch has come:


The Rejection Of The Profane

The awakening of witchcraft as sacred has been a rising current over the past century, from the development of Wicca to the groundswell in rejection of allopathic medicine and the destruction of the patriarchy. All the profane that has been inflicted upon women (and all those marginalized by the powerful) and the natural world in the name of civilization is crumbling. The Goddess has returned with her medicine and her vengeance.

We’re at a tipping point. The only way that the planet can be saved is by rejecting the profane. The false gods that sever us from the natural world must die so that we may survive. However you call the Goddess, she offers the keys of healing ourselves, each other and the world. The time has come.

As within, so without. As above, so below.

The witch is attuned to the major forces acting upon the world, be they societal turmoil or planetary influences. Of course, these things are all interconnected. This is the knowledge of the witch. The planetary forces vibrate within us, calling us deeper into ourselves to return to the Goddess.

Witchcraft is remembering that we are the sacred alchemists of the Goddess. We use her gifts in our rituals, simple and complex. Hekate is the ancient Goddess of Witchcraft. Often reduced to a simple evil crone, Hekate was known in the distant past as the Anima Mundi, the very soul of the world. Witches, the wise women healers, used this soul that is found in all of creation, as medicine for themselves and others.

Answering The Call

Hekate has returned, and her witches summon her power that infuses all things.

You’ve answered the call of your inner witch, that part of the Anima Mundi that is our inner fire. Sometimes silent, others outspoken. We’ve walked this journey all our lives. Most often, we’ve stood alone in the dark under the pale moonlight, whispering our spells to the wind.


This is our time. 2020 is our year.

Recently, a dear friend of mine stood proudly in the pulpit of a Christian church. She spoke of compassion and courage with a conviction that had me doing the ugly cry. I was so very proud of her for sharing her message. You see, she told of her journey as one of Hekate’s Witches. Not very long ago, she could have been jailed for talking about witchcraft from a Christian pulpit. At the very least, she would have been ridiculed. Instead, she was a welcome guest at an Interfaith service on Thanksgiving. How times have changed.

Never in my life did I think I would bear witness to one of Hekate’s Witches “preaching” at a Christian pulpit. She represented us all so well. You can read her first-hand account of this most extraordinary event here.

The Goddess Has Returned

While Jessica’s brave reclamation of her goddess and her right to practice witchcraft may be a rather extreme example of just how far we witches have come in terms of societal acceptance, there is evidence everywhere of this phenomenon.

The Goddess has returned, awakening the sacred feminine within us. While I’m talking to my spiritual sisters of the Craft, what’s going on extends to others who are answering their own unique calling. Everyone who is seriously pursuing the sacred feminine without the restrictions imposed by patriarchal institutions and religions is being awakened in ways not seen for centuries.

Remembering The Sacred Within

I’m a witch, that is the truth of my soul. Recently, I was asked when I first “knew” I was a witch. While at the time, I may not have used this heartfelt word to describe myself, when I was a very small child I only felt at home in the woods, with my imaginary companions, the animals and my collection of found objects. Flash forward to adolescence when I shapeshifted into an acceptable form of myself to avoid ostracization. I have always been deeply drawn to the unknowable and nature. When I experience the soul flow of being in sync with the unseen world and the natural one, my heart song is that of a witch. Over time, I accepted my own truth as that of the witch, deeply connected to the ancient priestesses of Hekate. My journey has been of remembering the sacredness within me, that is reflected back at me through the Goddess.

The Beautiful Revolution

I’ve been passionately pursuing the mysteries through esoteric and spiritual studies as part of a great revolution by women, like me, who are committed to pursuing the sacred within and the Goddess. Way back in the eighties, it was difficult to get my adolescent hands on books like Charlene Spretnak’s Lost Goddesses of Ancient Greece or Lori Cabot’s early books. When I did, they sung beautiful hymns of the divine feminine to me, the like of which I had never heard in my Pentecostal upbringing, where even The Blessed Virgin, Mary, was reduced to almost nothing.

I have borne witness to this revolution that’s only just begun. The old ways are falling all around us as we emerge as a powerful force of the Goddess on this earth.


Perhaps you’re new to this remembering. I bid you welcome. The journey ahead is not an easy one, but it is the true one. Each of us experiences this journey in our own unique ways. We are at the crossroads in 2020, and that is where witches abide. It is our spiritual home front this space between the corporeal and spiritual, this time between what was and what will be.

Be Aware. Be Wary.

2020 is not a year for foolishly rushing in where angels fear to tread. Being aware of the risks posed to you for claiming your truth is vital. Banish the harmful, protect yourself and create the openness that allows blessings to flow towards you. Join with others to strengthen yourself and our collective power. Here at this Great Crossroads, there will be many who try to trick us into their false ways, seeking to steal our power or save themselves. Avoid those who cling to false positivity but send them your love. They aren’t yet ready to remember.

It Is Only The Beginning

Going inward to reconnect to your sacredness is a daunting undertaking. The Goddess often takes us on a wild ride. No matter how rough or calm, do this without self-judgment. We all proceed at our own pace and in our own way. However, be mindful that the shadow self seeks to keep us in the grip of fear. As we transform, and as the societal changes occur, this shadow will rage as it loses power. Retreat and rest as necessary, while 2020 may be the Year of the Witch, it is only the beginning of the Great Transformation. We must take good care of ourselves for the journey ahead.

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Thanks to everyone for supporting Keeping Her Keys on Patheos. You can find me at keepingherkeys.com, on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram, in addition to the Keeping Her Keys network.

Stay true. Rise strong. Keep your own keys.

Deep Blessings,


Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern is you how-to guide for claiming 2020 as your year.


About Cyndi Brannen
Cyndi Brannen, PhD, teaches and writes from the crossroads of personal development, spirituality and true magic. Founder of the Keeping Her Keys system of spiritual witchcraft, she shares the keys of The Sacred Seven laws using practical methods ranging from journaling to journeying. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to our modern understanding through magic and personal development. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch, based on the sacred seven principles of witchcraft, is a practical guide to better living through witchcraft. Read Dr. Brannen's journey and the courses she offers at keepingherkeys.com. You can read more about the author here.

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