“What Was the BEST Thing About President Trump?”

“What Was the BEST Thing About President Trump?” June 30, 2022

That’s what Ronnie L. Jackson tweeted today. He got about 20,000 replies. Most of them reportedly are negative, and some are quite funny.

What a question to put out on Twitter the day after Cassidy Hutchinson–the former senior aide to President Trump’s Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows–delivered her televised, bombshell testimony to the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot. So far, I’d say that testimony is the most damning we’ve heard against former President Trump that could result in him becoming a Fully Orange Man.

You may recall that Jackson used to be a Navy Rear Admiral and President Donald Trump’s personal physician. Dr. Jackson once gave President Trump a complete physical examination at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He then declared the president to be in “excellent” physical condition. But he shockingly added that Donald Trump could “live to be 200” without indicating it was a joke. You wonder, “what was that guy drinking? Could be.

It turns out Mr. Jackson’s reputation hasn’t been that good lately even though he has changed jobs and is now a Republican politician, being a Representative from Texas. Mr. Jackson is a conspiracy theorist who has been accused of sexual harassment and being drunk on the job. Back when he so reported about Trump’s health, there were some critics who alleged that Trump told Jackson what to say in his report. Sounds possible. “Perfect phone call;” “perfect health.”

One Tweeter answered Jackson’s question by saying the best thing about President Trump was “his departure,” obviously from the White House. Another Tweeter chimed in about President Trump’s greatest deed, saying, “He got people talking about God. They said, ‘Lord, what the hell did Donald Trump do today?'”

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