March 27, 2015

Extravagance UCC Dinner Church Sunday, March 29, 2015 6 p.m. EST/5 p.m. CST/4 p.m. MST/3 p.m. PST Sunday Dinner and church have gone together for a long time. But, not quite like this. Extravagance UCC’s Dinner Church takes the best of your grandmother’s Sunday meal —the mashed potatoes, the mac and cheese, the pie …and infuses it with prayer, music and fellowship with your family of choice (both in person and online). Extravagance ministers Kimberly Knight and Nicole Havelka will... Read more

March 21, 2015

I’ve been thinking a lot about the arrest of judge Roy Moore’s son. Did you hear about it? According to the police department in Troy, Alabama, Chief Justice Roy Moore‘s son Caleb, who is 24, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana after a run-in with police in the wee small hours of Sunday, March 15. Judge Moore quickly closed ranks and had no comment to share with the public about his son’s arrest. My first impulse was to... Read more

March 15, 2015

Content warning:  Smattering of salty language, overuse of parenthetical asides and at least two shenanigans. There are “freedom of religion” bills cropping up all over the bloody States. From where I sit, the spirit of these bills is gives anyone the ability to holler “God hates fags” if they do not want to a. sell their crappy wedding cakes to the gays b. do the job their asses are paid BY MY TAXES to do c. allow the little children... Read more

March 8, 2015

One upon a time I was married. To a man. For over a decade. His name is David. My story is not unique, not by a long shot, but for me every step is fresh with surprises as if no one has ever walked this path before. I met David at a time in my life when I was headed down a dangerous path of filling my aching soul with all the wrong people and all the wrong vices. He appeared... Read more

March 3, 2015

So, earlier today I posted a story on Facebook about an attorney in California who filed a proposed ballot measure with the California Attorney General’s office asking voters to criminalize homosexuality in the state and impose a death penalty sentence. “The People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other... Read more

March 2, 2015

I saw a Facebook post by a mom the other day that just broke my heart and really pissed me off. I know we all see those maddening posts every day but this one stuck with me in such a way that I immediately reached out to the mom who wrote the post and invited her to share a guest blog here. I hope you will please share your love and support with Tonya Caputo and her family. We didn’t have rowdy kids.... Read more

February 26, 2015

I am so grateful to Kimberly for offering a chance to guest blog here.  As I am sure many of you do, I admire Kimberly’s writing so much — she brings the real struggle that we all experience to life in her posts — giving me energy to face my own struggles.  I work for the UCC’s media justice ministry, and for me Kimberly’s work is such a great example of how the online world is as much a real community... Read more

February 13, 2015

Dear Roy, I am grateful for the lawmakers in states around this beautiful and broken country who have the compassion and courage to lift up legislation that recognizes my LGBT sisters and brothers as full citizens in the land we share. I am prayerful that more states, like my own sweet Georgia will soon see the light of love filter in through the fragmented and cracked windows of justice. I am especially thankful for those men and women of faith who raise their voice every day,... Read more

February 10, 2015

So I’ve generally ignored the kerfuffle around a theologically, psychologically and sociologically ignorant little post called “10 Women Christian Men Should Not Marry” by Dr. Kim. Recently there have been some really good responses that finally got to me. I feel all the feels about this sharp response by the witty Catholic blogger Calah Alexander. Then there is this one by the incomparable Reba Riley who cogently and faithfully takes umbrage with each point. It is upon her suggestion to add my thoughts that I dug a little deeper (and... Read more

February 2, 2015

This week I’ve seen three news pieces and read scads of comments regurgitating the crazy notion that granting equal rights to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people denies rights to Christians. Rep. Vito Barbieri (R-Dalton Gardens) said he was worried extending protections to the LGBT community would strip “people of faith” of their rights. “It’s impossible to ignore that there are many whether in that community or otherwise that have an agenda in this proposed policy that is dangerous to people of faith,”... Read more

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