Part 1: Note to Skeptics

Part 1: Note to Skeptics July 1, 2010

Who knew this whole ‘I’m Sorry from the Church Campaign 2010’ would go viral? Not us, I’ll tell you that much. Anyway, there have been a couple really well known sites that have publicly stated their distaste and skepticism for me, for The Marin Foundation and for our Campaign.

And why should they believe us at our word?

They shouldn’t.

And I don’t expect them to.

We all know the scars the Church has left – the same Church we are a part of.

And I’m perfectly content that these culture makers can’t stand me because how else am I to show them otherwise over the long haul unless we know each other?

Maybe one day we’ll all sit down face to face and I’ll let them fire away at me and I’ll answer everything as open and honest as I always do. That day hasn’t come yet. Until then, I’ll keep apologizing and I’ll keep loving unconditionally.

Yes. Unconditionally…which means whether gay, in a relationship or not, Christian or not, whether people “change” or not. And I’ll still keep pressing the church to do the same thing.

Here are the links:

Friendly Atheist


Slog – They first posted this awesome article, then they posted this not so flattering one.

I have already privately emailed both of them. We’ll see what happens…

Much love.

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