Finding Bambi and the Mystery of Laity Lodge

Finding Bambi and the Mystery of Laity Lodge June 21, 2012

Today as I was walking around Laity Lodge, I found Bambi. Well, probably not the original Disney cartoon Bambi, but something pretty close. Here’s a photo I took:

I did not see evidence of Bambi’s mother, but I’m pretty sure she must be okay. I only wish I had been able to video Bambi’s attempt to get away from me. It was just like in the old Disney film, with tripping and splayed legs. I felt a little bad about disturbing Bambi.

Then, further on my walk, I ran into a very peculiar stack of stones.

Something tells me this was not a naturally occurring phenomenon. I looked closely. No glue or other sticky stuff here. Just some amazing balance. How it got here is not the mystery of Laity Lodge.

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