About 14.8 million years ago, a large meteorite crashed in what is known today as the Czech Republic. The impact was estimated to be 6 trillion megatons, which is stronger than all the atomic bombs currently on earth combined. Believe it or not, this is strong enough to vaporize rock, and that is what is theorized to have happened. The collision caused the meteorite and the terrestrial rock to evaporate into a gas which in turn rained down in liquid form and cooling, condensing and solidifying on its way down as it hit the crater. This newly formed glass is what we call Moldavite today. This is why it is believed that many pieces of Moldavite are aerodynamic in shape, because they literally fell from the sky. Though it is technically a tektite glass, I will be referring to it as a stone for simplicity’s sake in this article.
Moldavite is a very popular stone among witches, mystics and healers. It is considered a high vibrational stone, so much in fact that the term “Moldavite Flush” was coined for the experience of the energetic warmth that tends to flood many people when holding it. The stone today is believed to enhance psychic and healing abilities, give access to the Akashic Records, accelerate the personal evolution of the light body, induces astral projection and shamanic journeying and open one up to higher levels of compassion. Moldavite is believed to stimulate all the chakras, with particular focus on the heart chakra. Just as moldavite is the union of heaven and earth, so is the heart chakra the union of higher and lower chakras. However, it has a rich history in occult lore that many are unaware of.
Moldavite & The Mother Goddess
Moldavite also has a very rich history and has been revered throughout history and pre-history. At least 25,000 years ago, the ancient Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore and crafted moldavite as spiritual talismans and amulets for good fortune and fertility. In 1908 by a workman named Johann Veran discovered a statue during excavations conducted by archaeologists Josef Szombathy, Hugo Obermaier and Josef Bayer at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in Lower Austria. The statue was named the Venus of Willendorf and is believed to be the oldest image of a deity on Earth. The name Venus was used around this time period to indicate that it was an “immodest” goddess – having no connection to the Roman goddess of the same name. The figure was believed to be a fertility deity, speculated to be the Paleolithic Magna Mater or Great Mother Goddess of ancient people. What is less known about the discovery of this goddess is that in the same excavation they found many talismans, amulets and ritual knives crafted from Moldavite. The two seemed to share a significant link, indicating that it was most likely sacred to the fertility goddess.
Tabula Smaragdina & Lapis Elixir
The Emerald Tablet & The Philosopher’s Stone
The Tabula Smaragdina or Emerald Tablet, was a condensed piece of the Hermetica, contains the foundational secret knowledge of alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition. The text is believed to explain in cryptic language the secrets of prima materia and its transmutation to create the fabled Philosopher’s Stone as well as an understanding of macrocosmic and microcosmic forces. This knowledge was inscribed on an “emerald that fell from heaven”.
It is unknown who actually wrote the Emerald Tablet, but tradition credits Hermes Trismegistus as the author. Many actually believe that the Emerald Tablet wasn’t carved on emerald at all, but rather Moldavite. It is interesting to note that many ancient people referred to any transparent green stone as “emeralds”. The text of the Emerald Tablet seems to reflect the creation of Moldavite itself. Perhaps the text explaining the creation of the Lapis Elixir (The Philosopher’s Stone) was carved on the Philosopher’s Stone itself.
“This semiprecious stone [Moldavite], which resembles green glass, has gemlike qualities and is often used in jewelry. Looking again at Isaac Newton’s translation of the emerald tablet provides a tantalizing clue: “Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.” This describes moldavite exactly. It is created through fire when the “power” or “energy” of a meteorite impacts the earth, creating this new substance through sheer force. Sacred chemistry of the gods, if you happen to be an alchemist.
In recent translations of the emerald tablet from the original Arabic, by Nineveh Shadrach, the line in question appears as “it is a fire that became our earth,” which again precisely describes the creation of moldavite. This new translation also contains an intriguing variation of the line from Newton’s version: “It extracts the light from the heights and descends to the earth containing the power of the above and the below for it switch the light of the lights. Therefore the darkness flees from it.”
– Simon Cox
Decoding The Lost Symbol
Lapis ex Caelis
The Emerald Of Lucifer & The Holy Grail
The Holy Grail is an item from Arthurian legends which combine Christian and Celtic Pagan imagery and lore. The Holy Grail was an object (most often thought of as a cup, due to its name) which bestowed immortality or rebirth, much like the Cauldron of Cerridwen.
It was believed to be the vessel from which Christ drank from at the last supper claiming that it contained his blood. The word “grail” is thought to originate from the Persian word “Ghr” which means “Pearl” or “Stone”. The Persian word for “engraved stone” is “ghr’al” which looks and sounds like the english word “grail”. Some theorize that it’s symbolic of Christ’s Bloodline and a symbol for the womb, which brings my mind back to the idea of moldavite being with the Venus of Willendorf, the fertility mother goddess. This theory about the grail being the womb and bloodline has been popularized by Dan Brown’s novels and movies such as The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol.
In the Arthurian Grail epic Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, it is clearly stated that the Holy Grail is a stone which reflects qualities of the philosopher’s stone, which can heal and revive the dead and give immortality among many other things.
“If you do not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapis excillis. By the power of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix mount and change its plumage, which afterwards is bright and shining and as lovely as before There never was a human so ill but that, if he one day sees the stone, he cannot die within the weeks that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His appearance will stay the same, be it maid or man, as on the day he saw the stone, the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn grey. Such power does the stone give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is also called the Grail.”
– Wolfram von Eschenbach
Legends tells us that when Lucifer fell from heaven, Archangel Michael swung his sword at Lucifer’s crown an emerald fell out and hit the Earth. This legendary emerald was symbolic of the fall of humanity and also the key to humanity’s redemption. In Legend this emerald was the Holy Grail itself. This emerald that fell from the sky sounds very much like Moldavite itself. It is believed that this emerald was was then fashioned into a cup or bowl by another angel that served as the cup of the Last Supper.
“The stone that fell to earth was an emerald that adorned Lucifer’s forehead. It was cut into the shape of a bowl by a faithful angel, and thus the Grail was born. It was given to Adam before he was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Seth, Adam’s son, having temporarily returned to the earthly paradise, took the Grail along with him. Other people transported the Grail to Montsegur, a fortress in the Pyrenees, which Lucifer’s armies besieged in order to get the Grail back and put it into their leader’s crown, out of which it had fallen; but the Grail was allegedly saved by knights who hid it within a mountain.”
– Julius Evola
The Mystery of the Grail
(Please note that Julius Evola was an extreme proponent of fascism and a huge anti-semite and this is not an endorsement of his works or views either partially or entirely, but rather a demonstration of this idea Lucifer’s emerald falling to earth as the holy grail being discussed by a historical occultist, despite how vile his ideas were.)
Interestingly enough, the Holy Grail was supposedly found and given to Napoleon, who was extremely disappointed to find that it was just a chunk of green glass, which is exactly what Moldavite is.
Cintamani, Sanat Kumara, Lumiel & Kshitigarbha
The Wishing Stone of Shambhala
In Buddhism the Cintamani is a legendary stone which is said to grant wishes and is often linked with the Philosopher’s stone. The stone, which was the inspiration for Dragon Ball anime, was said to have fallen from the sky in a chest. Tibetan lore claims that the stone originated from the constellation of Orion. The stone was said to be so powerful that it was sent away to Shambhala (the mythical kingdom inside the Earth) for the Lord of the Earth to own.
The Lord of the Earth being Sanat Kumara, whom theosophist Helena Blavatsky claimed belonged to a group of beings, the “Lords of the Flame”, whom Christian tradition she claimed have misunderstood as Lucifer and the fallen angels. Sanat Kumara is said to hail originally from the planet Venus, which is also linked heavily with Lucifer, the “Morning Star”. “The Lord of the Earth” is also an epithet of Lucifer and there’s many connections linking Sanat Kumara, Lucifer, Christ and Melek Taus (The Peacock Angel of the Yezidi people and Feri Tradition of Witchcraft). These connections are greatly explored in The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: The Redemption of the Peacock Angel by Mark Amaru Pinkham.
Sanat Kumara assists mankind in its spiritual evolution and development until we reach a state of ascended enlightenment. This brings me back to the idea of Lucifer, particularly the teachings of Madeline Montalban. Madeline Montalban was a ceremonial magician and a self-described Pagan, but she’s what we would call a Luciferian today. Montalban parallels these ideas of Sanat Kumara being a representative, guide and redeemer of human consciousness in her brand of Luciferian teachings, which originated from her contact with an angel named Lumiel, who later revealed himself to be Lucifer.
“In The Book of Lumiel it says the fallen archangel is destined to be reborn time and time again in human form as a savior and take upon himself the pains, sorrows and suffering of humankind. ‘Not until mankind knew who and what I was should they know and understand, but my own sufferings, which must be physical, as the sufferings of mankind must be…these same sufferings and sacrifice should redeem mankind. I was the scapegoat, to be driven into the wilderness suffering shame and ignorance life after life, until the error I had perpetrated had worked itself out by mankind becoming wise, and therefore wholly good, through experience.’
This statement by Lumiel encapsulates one of the most important teachings of the Luciferian tradition as expressed by Madeline Montalban. Yet it is the most controversial and theologically explosive in its implications for the world religions and the cherished beliefs of millions. Madeline believed and taught that Lumiel had incarnated many times in human form on this planet in the past. Among his incarnations when he took the role of divine king and sacrificed god were the various pagan savior gods. These included Tammuz, Adonis, Quetzalcoatl, the Peacock Angel and, most controversial and contentious, the Christ.”
– Michael Howard
The Book of Fallen Angels
This also reminds me of Kshitigarbha who is linked to the Cintamani. Kshitigarbha is a bodhisattva often depicted as a Buddhist monk who carries a staff to force open the gates of hell and a piece of the cintaimanti to light up the darkness. His name translates as “Earth Treasury”, “Earth Store”, “Earth Matrix” or “Earth Womb”. He has taken a vow to be responsible for the instruction of all beings in all worlds between the death of Gautama Buddha and the coming of Maitreya. During this time he has vowed not to achieve full buddhahood until all the hells are emptied by helping those there reach enlightenment, which makes him a bodhisattva of the deceased souls and spirits residing in hell.
In the 1920’s a high abbot from the Trasilumpo lamasery supposedly entrusted Nicholas Roerich, a Russian artist and explorer with a fragment of the Cintamani. Roerich speculated that the stone was moldavite which had a sanskrit inscription which he translated as “Through the Stars I come. I bring the chalice covered with the shield. Within it I bring a treasure, the gift of Orion.”
The Diopet
The Stone of Jupiter that Crowns Diana
The Temple of Diana at Ephesus (Also known as the Temple of Artemis) was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, originally built by the Amazons according to myth. Unlike the rest of Greece and Rome, at Ephesus Artemis/Diana was worshiped mainly as a fertility goddess and was identified with the goddess Kybele who was a mother goddess of Eastern lands. Kybele is believed to the the evolution of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Magna Mater, specifically Matar Kubileya. Artemis/Diana of Ephesus was also conflated with Hekate at the Ephesus Temple as an aspect of Diana according to Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder).
But unlike the Hellenic religions, the cult of Diana of Ephesus viewed this goddess in a matter which closely resembles Hekate Soteira of the Chaldean Oracles in her role as Anima Mundi or World Soul, Axis Mundi or World Pillar and Cosmic Mother containing all men, animals and spirits within her. The Amazons viewed the palm tree as sacred, being representative of their goddess and it is believed that the first Artemis/Diana of Ephesus was originally made out of a palm trunk. The goddess as a tree has great significance as a universal symbol of the Axis Mundi, often portrayed as a World Tree. The palm tree was also believed to be sacred to the Hellenic Artemis, being a symbol of the island of Delos where she and her brother Apollo were born and many ancient coins from Ephesus depict a stag and a palm tree, the symbols of Artemis. It is believed that for this reason that the many breasts of the later Artemis/Diana of Ephesus statues are actually Palm-Dates as breasts, echoing back to the Amazonian palm tree goddess.
“Tradition relates that the amazons built a temple at Ephesus to house a primitive image of a goddess (later identified with Artemis), probably made of a palm trunk.”
-Warner Rex
Encyclopedia of World Mythology
That earliest temple contained a sacred stone that had “fallen from Jupiter” called the diopet and was later reportedly placed within the tower-like crown of the statue of Artemis/Diana. It was held as being a divine object, not only because it fell from the sky, but because it resembled Artemis/Diana of Ephesus. The diopet held such reverence that it was paired together with the statue of Artemis/Diana in Acts 19:35 in the Bible, “And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of her imagewhich fell down from Jupiter?” It’s interesting to also note that in Aradia, Gospel of the Witches it says that Diana fell to Earth, just as Lucifer had, to teach mankind witchcraft.
The City of Liverpool Museum acquired a stone from antiquarian Charles Seltman who bought it at Ephesus in the 1940s, claiming that it was the diopet.
“Liverpool’s Keeper of Archaeology, Dr. Dorothy Downes, says that just because it was purchased at Ephesus doesn’t prove its origins but that “it may well have come from one of the Ephesian temples.” The stone was originally a neolithic pestle of volcanic greenstone, she adds, “and was converted into an object of worship sometimes after c. 700 B.C. by reshaping and the addition of iron bands. Many people believed that that such stray finds were meteorites and therefore sacred.”
– Elizabeth Pepper & John Wilcock
Magical and Mystical Sites: Europe and the British Isles
It isn’t that difficult to imagine that the diopet might be Moldavite. It fell from the heavens/Jupiter, was supposedly in resemblance of Artemis/Diana of Ephesus (which is easy to imagine if you take into account that it might relate to the fact that most Moldavite pieces have an aerodynamic shape similar to palm leaves), and may have been similar to volcanic greenstone or volcanic glass.
The Magickal Divine Child of The Heart
One of the most interesting aspects of Moldavite for me is that it is symbolic of the Mangum Opus of Alchemy and the Sacred Marriage of the Above and the Below. It’s the child of Father Sky and Mother Earth and the container of the Blood of the Holy Child in the form of Jesus Christ – Just as it is a “child” of Lucifer and Diana, much like Aradia of Stregheria lore. It is the divine heart of the magician and witches, the center of higher and lower energies, the emerald heart chakra of the gods. It’s reverence as a spiritual object isn’t modern but rather as old as humanity itself.
Bibliography & Recommended Reading
Aradia or Gospel of the Witches – Charles Godfrey Leland
The Book of Fallen Angels – Michael Howard
The Book of Stones, Revised Edition: Who They Are and What They Teach – Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Decoding The Lost Symbol – Simon Cox
The Elixir and the Stone: The Tradition of Magic and Alchemy – Michael Beignet & Richard Leigh
The Encyclopedia of Crystals – Judy Hall
Encyclopedia of World Mythology – Warner Rex
Guardians of the Holy Grail – Mark Amaru Pinkham
Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate’s Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature– Sarah Iles Johnston
The Holy Grail: Imagination and Belief – Richard W. Barber
Magical and Mystical Sites: Europe and the British Isles – Elizabeth Pepper & John Wilcock
Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation – Robert Simmons & Kathy Warner
The Mystery of the Grail – Julius Evola
Parzival – Wolfram von Eschenbach
The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy – Helena Blavatsky
Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and Co-Creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems and Minerals – Robert Simmons
The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and The Witches’ Qabalah – Christopher Penczak
The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: The Redemption of the Peacock Angel – Mark Amaru Pinkham
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