A few months ago I was asked to be on That Witch Life, the new podcast by Kanani Soleil, Courtney Weber, and Hilary Whitmore. I had been traveling all day and had called in from my phone on vacation for a week in Maine, yet the conversation and questions asked were fantastic. We also all shared different stories about our own psychic experiences.
What is psychic ability? Is psychic ability natural or supernatural? Are we born with psychic ability or is it something we can learn? How can you tell if you’re just imagining something or if it’s a genuine psychic experience? How do you know if dreams are prophetic or not? What can you do if psychic information becomes to intense and you become overloaded? Are certain events fated or is the future changeable with free will or is it a mix of both? Do you have to be accurate 100% of the time to be a psychic? Can tools such as tarot help develop your psychic ability? Can they be a crutch from enhancing your psychic ability? Is it normal to forget a reading you just gave someone right after you’ve given it? We discuss this and many other great topics.
Listen to the episode by clicking here.