January 13, 2018

A beer bath is my go to choice when it comes to removing the energy of people's judgements, projections, and harmful energies which have a spiritual and psychic affect on us, whether that's unconscious or whether it's the malocchio, the evil eye. Read more

January 12, 2018

The Secret Keys of Conjure: Unlocking the Mysteries of American Folk Magic by Chas Bogan is unlike any other book that I’ve ever read on American Folk Magic. This doesn’t surprise me at all, as Chas has been a well known researcher, teacher, and authority on the subject – despite his humble, respectful, and reverent approach to the practice. He is a professional Conjure doctor who practices at his store, the Mystic Dream. He is an initiate and practitioner of various... Read more

January 11, 2018

I don't quite understand those who worship gods and assert that they must be confined solely to their historical attributes and roles, like some ancient artifact as dead and dust covered as the culture they once flourished in. Read more

January 9, 2018

It's rare when I come across any oracle decks that I love. Flowers From The Dead is one of those few. Read more

January 8, 2018

Ancestors are some of the strongest allies you can have. They are invested in your success, because you are the continuation of their legacy. Read more

January 8, 2018

Here is a discernment guide that some of you may find helpful to consider when reading books on Witchcraft, the Occult or Paganism. Read more

January 7, 2018

What can a witch learn from the New Age movement? Is there anything in the ascension paradigm that can benefit the Neo-Pagan? Read more

January 4, 2018

So, what if Witchcraft isn't real? What if we're all just hairless apes on a random rock that accidentally evolved life in a universe of meaninglessness? What if upon death we just cease to exist and there's nothing after that? Read more

January 3, 2018

Most of us our familiar with the concept and practice of offering food and libations (drink offerings) to the gods, ancestors, spirits, or the land in which we are honoring and working with - but we often overlook the offerings that we give ourselves. Read more

January 1, 2018

The deck contains art that is full of nature in all its aspects with life and death and dashes of surrealism that give the animals depicted a mystical feeling, a style that is signature of Swartz. Read more

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