March 19, 2010

I hope you can help me. I’m at a point in my marriage where I need to know if I should call the whole thing off. I’ve been married 12 years to a man who has addiction issues. When I married him, we were both inactive, he was an alcoholic. After 3 years of this I was ready to move on, which turned my husband around and he quit “cold-turkey” and we started attending church again and even were sealed... Read more

March 13, 2010

Realizing as parents that both natural (those set by the outside world) and artificial (those set by parents in their homes) consequences are our best parenting tools can be a liberating process as we give up other less desirable and less effective means of discipline (i.e. nagging, screaming, guilt trips, false threats, manipulation, pleading, etc.). Taken from Scream Free Parenting by Hal Edward Runkel, LMFT: “As parents, we have within our reach the greatest and most effective disciplinary strategy in... Read more

March 13, 2010

My first marriage was very abusive mentally and emotionally. I am now married to a wonderful man who I adore and I believe loves me very much. We have been married for almost five years. Both of us are not spring chickens. I am 56 he is 65.Near the end of my first marriage I was told that I would never find someone who would be attracted to me. His words were…”You couldn’t turn a guy on if he was... Read more

March 9, 2010

One thing I hear both men and women complain of often regarding their sexual lifestyle is how long a man is able to last before climax. This is a common issue since it usually takes longer for a woman to achieve climax than it does a man. Unfortunately, due to misinformation and anxiety, this issue can quickly spiral into deeper seeded problems such as low self-esteem, performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, resentment between the couple, etc. I want to share some... Read more

March 5, 2010

I am currently attending a conference focused on understanding and treating self-injury with Tracy Alderman, PhD as presenter. I’ll be posting more of the information I gather here. There is still so much research that needs to be done regarding this issue so I’m always glad to have more current information. A resource that may be useful to those who self-injure or parents/loved ones of those who do: The Scarred Soul: Understanding & Ending Self-Inflicted Violence by Tracy Alderman, PhD... Read more

March 5, 2010

I have been happily married for 7 years. I recently came across this anonymous chat website that lets you chat with a random stranger at the click of a button. It has become almost an addiction for me. I have problems making friends because of shyness, self-esteem issues but I am able to be freely and truly myself on this silly website. However, several of the best conversations I’ve had have been with men. I find it thrilling to know... Read more

March 4, 2010

I know you’re super backed up right now, but your insight is so clear and valuable that I can’t help but ask you yet another question! I’m not really sure how to put this, so I guess I’ll just be blunt. I’m 7.5 months pregnant and because of my protruding belly, I haven’t been able to see my nether regions in quite some time. As you can imagine, this has left me in dire need of a good shave! My... Read more

March 2, 2010

I remember before I got married my father told me not to “look to the world for a sexual education” but that it was up to my wife and I to “figure things out”. We’ve been married less than 10 years but it feels like things have gotten very routine for us. There are only a few different positions we use and when we decide to try something new it rarely works and usually leads to frustrations. Having moved out... Read more

February 26, 2010

Comment 1 You told this poster: “As far as masturbation, I would encourage you not to do so without your wife’s knowledge. Dishonesty and/or secrecy always drive a deeper wedge, which is exactly the opposite of what you need right now.” I don’t necessarily agree with this advice. As a man/husband who has been in this poster’s situation, and one with such a high sex drive, the occassional masturbation has been a healing part of my mental health. Without the... Read more

February 24, 2010

I posted a related question already, but later realized I need to be more direct. I would like to buy my wife an “intimate object”, lubricant, and take all the kids on a 2-hour outing and let my wife “explore” and begin to figure things out on her own because together we have not been able to let her concentrate enough – maybe a little self-conscious about her body, smells, etc. I have a theory that if she can at... Read more

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