February 9, 2010

Differences between porn-related sex and healthy sex: healthysex.com and hazards of porn from same site Read more

February 8, 2010

In honor of Valentine’s Day I am offering a free give-away, The Discovery Game, sponsored through SimplySweetMarriage.com. You need to subscribe to my email list-serve to be eligible for the drawing by the end of this month. Be advised that if you win, I will contact you by email and then will need your shipping address so that the sponsor can mail you your prize. Also be advised that I have a new email list-serve widget. If you’ve subscribed for... Read more

February 6, 2010

My husband and I have been married for almost four months. I have a condition called vaginismus, which means my pelvic floor muscles clamp down and my husband and I are physically unable to have intercourse. Although we knew that this was somewhat inevitable (due to failed gynecological exams as well as a previous, ill-conceived attempt at intercourse with a former boyfriend) I have still been completely devastated. However, we are seeking treatment, and while this unfortunate fact pertains to... Read more

February 5, 2010

I want to focus today on the many relationships that do not fit into the sexual desire “stereotype” that our culture pigeonholes men and women into: that being where the woman has a higher sexual drive than her husband. We do not have accurate statistics on how many couples find themselves in this situation because quite frankly, people are not comfortable admitting to this particular problem. They feel they are in the minority. Therefore they feel extremely abnormal, weird, less... Read more

February 5, 2010

Labeling our children (both in positive and negative terms) can be limiting to their self-development and self-perceptions. If we as parents continually point out certain behaviors, strengths/weaknesses, etc. we can stunt other attributes from even seeming like possibilities. Here’s what Screamfree Parenting by Hal Edward Runkel has to say about this: “Kids are fantastic listeners from the day they enter this world. They have keen ears with which to hear every syllable, every inflection, every tonality in our conversations… “…the... Read more

February 4, 2010

Please take note of the new poll on my sidelines.Please be cognizant of the gender separation between the two polls.Thank you!! Read more

February 3, 2010

Please bare with me as I struggle with technological difficulties. :)I have changed the widget for acquiring email addresses. Please resubscribe if you’ve entered your email before.Any email address that is shared with me on this blog will not be sold or used in any other inappropriate way.Subscribers will receive a weekly newsletter highlighting new articles.Thank you! Read more

February 2, 2010

My serious boyfriend has confided in me that he is gay. Although I feel like it would be fine to marry him in the temple as long as he is worthy and committed to loving me, I worry about complications it may cause in our marriage. It seems like I only ever hear of the heterosexual relationships that failed. Where can I find success stories to motivate us and help us see what we need to do to make our... Read more

January 30, 2010

Taken from The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, MD “Female sexual turn-on begins, ironically, with a brain turn-off. The impulses can rush to the pleasure centers and trigger an orgasm only if the amygdala – the fear and anxiety center of the brain – has been deactivated. Before the amygdala has been turned off, any last-minute worry – about work, about the kids, about schedules, about getting dinner on the table – can interrupt the march toward orgasm. “The fact... Read more

January 28, 2010

Check out my latest article in 6 of 7 magazine: Finding a Therapist Read more

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