Small Successes #2

Small Successes #2 December 3, 2009


My successes feel super small for these last 2 weeks. Having sick babies really hampered housecleaning, and I’ve just been feeling a bit blue.

1. Sorted though all the DVDs, Videos and Cd’s and got rid of the ones we never listen to or watch and organized the ones we like.

2. As part of my mission to de-clutter my house I tackled the pile of clothes, coats, toys, books, blankets, shoes, laundry, papers, boxes, jewelry and hair stuff that I have been hiding in my bedroom for the last couple of weeks whenever anyone came over. The pile had grown to enormous proportions and since I hadn’t missed most of the stuff, I sorted it and put it in several (large) boxes and moved it into the basement. One of these days when the kids aren’t in my hair I will finish sorting and giving it away. I must say I am enjoying having less “stuff” laying around my house waiting to be destroyed by my toddlers.

3. I have continued my efforts to exercise. I can’t stand exercise, you get sweaty and nasty and you want to quit after like 5 minutes (at least I do!)But I really want to be healthier and have more energy so I am making an effort to swim at our local pool a few times a week. Swimming isn’t so bad, you can’t really injure yourself and you don’t get all sweaty and gross. I haven’t exercised regularly in 7 years and I had a baby not to long ago, so this pool is kicking my butt!

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