Breakfast Links for 11/19/12 – Death Calculator, Loving Lincoln, Christ and Quixote

Breakfast Links for 11/19/12 – Death Calculator, Loving Lincoln, Christ and Quixote November 19, 2012


Rebecca Hamilton, Patheos/Public Catholic: “These twists and turns of ordinary language are not just an attempt to hide the truth of killing, they are also a form of justification. Thus, legalized medical murder becomes “death with dignity,” abortion becomes a “choice,” and embryonic stem cell research is the only hope for “miracle cures.””

Michael Tanner, New York Post: How Obamacare Will Keep Unemployment High

Leah Libresco, Patheos/Unequally Yoked: “Only Heaven knows how glory goes, What each of us was meant to be.  In the starlight, that is what we are, I can see so far.”

Jonathan Gurwitz, San Antonio Express News: What Else Doesn’t Obama Know – and Why?

Joe Carter, Patheos/Joe Carter’s Commonplace: ““While the actual average lifespan changes quite a bit from country to country and from animal to animal, the same general rule that ‘your probability of dying doubles every X years’ holds true.”

Michael Goodwin, New York Post: Now We Know the Truth Obama Tried to Hide

Mark D. Roberts, Patheos/Mark D. Roberts: “After seeing Schindler’s List and after seeing Lincoln, I hated the evil in the world. I marveled at the courage of people who stand up for good. And I wanted to be one of those people.

Joel J. Miller, Patheos/Joel J. Miller: Jesus for president? “Would we vote for Jesus for president?” asked pastor Robert Gelinas in a recent sermon. “I think every party would want him. The Republicans would want him. The Democrats would want him. Until he opened his mouth.’”

John Mark Reynolds, Patheos/Eidos: “We know that poor kids are not being helped, but have been taught to mock authority, Church, and look to their hearts. The ancient wisdom would suggest that they are following their passions too much and counsel teaching moderation.”

Karen Spears Zacharias, Patheos/Karen Spears Zacharias: “It seems to me that the miracle of birth isn’t just about the creating of something new, but  about holding fast to that which is too quickly passing — the secret ways of our mothers and our fathers and their mothers and fathers. These, after all, are our people. The swarm to which we will always belong.”

Leah Libresco, Patheos/Unequally Yoked: “Christ calls us Dulcinea already, and rebukes us for clinging to ‘Aldonza’ in our fear.   We’ve already been offered the power to be what we ought to be, but, moment by moment, we decline to exercise it or acknowledge it.”

Elizabeth Duffy, Patheos/Elizabeth Duffy: “Gifts of true value, like a baby, like the indwelling of God in our soul, we can only receive with humility and the passage of ample time as we wait for the gift, or for our souls, to mature.”

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