5 Quick Takes on the Trump Travel Ban

5 Quick Takes on the Trump Travel Ban January 31, 2017


Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons, by Fibonacci Blue https://www.flickr.com/photos/fibonacciblue/
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons, by Fibonacci Blue https://www.flickr.com/photos/fibonacciblue/

For what it’s worth, I support the idea of immigration reform, including limiting immigration from countries with which we are engaged in hostilities.

I do think the roll-out on the Executive order which touched off all these demonstrations was amateurish, as was the wording of the order itself. It had way too much sloppy, off-the-cuff verbiage, where unintended consequences could and did occur.

Pushback on something like this is to be expected. That’s why presidents are usually not so careless in how they draft these things. Governance takes a lot more thought and hard work than sloganeering. That’s because governance is the real deal, with real consequences on real people’s lives.

Here are a few bits of reportage on the topic of the recent immigration executive order. I chose them based on the fact that they were not trying to scandalize, but were simply reporting the situation. I am putting them before my readers in an effort to encourage you to think and let think.

Every side has another side, and good laws are made by respecting that other side and listening to what they have to say, then revising if there is merit to the criticisms.

That’s called thinking, and working toward the common good.

From the Telegraph, Trump’s travel ban explained in 90 seconds.

Another objective bit of reporting from CBS.

Trump supporter, defends travel ban on British TV.

Former Iraqi interpreter for US speaks in support of the ban.

A calm and open discussion without name-calling and craziness from PBS.


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