What Do You Put on the Altar of Your Heart?

What Do You Put on the Altar of Your Heart? September 17, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Democracy Chronicles https://www.flickr.com/photos/democracychronicles/
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Democracy Chronicles https://www.flickr.com/photos/democracychronicles/

Pro life people must not confine their pro life thinking to the tiny intellectual boxes created by the two major political parties.

The Democrats and the Republicans have created this silo mentally for their own self-serving purposes. It does not benefit the cause of the sanctity of human life. It can actually harm it.

I wrote about this for the National Catholic Register.

Here is part of what I said:

My Grandmother used to say, “That’s like a choice between hanging and a firing squad.”

I wrote a post decrying the lack of a single, unifying objective for the pro-life movement. I also asked readers to offer their thoughts about how to word such an objective for the pro-life movement. I was looking for a one-sentence objective, something on which we could hang discussions about strategies and tactics. The resulting discussion in the comboxes was most edifying.

As people settled into a discursive back and forth, it became obvious that they thought being pro-life in the political sense does not mean protecting human life from conception to natural death. Rather, it means choosing whether to kill the child with abortion or to deny the child the basics of life after birth. It’s as if Satan himself set up the choices for pro-life people, which, in a way, is what has happened.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/blog/rhamilton/elephants-and-donkeys-have-no-place-on-the-altar-of-your-heart/#ixzz3m1XUzZws

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