April 30, 2015

When it comes to the situation in Baltimore, it is possible to say multiple things at once. First of all, police brutality is a real, terrifying issue, particularly for the black community. The community is not making up real concerns and fear, as the in-depth investigative report by the Baltimore Sun reveals. Not only has the police brutality and excessive force caused poisoned relationships between officers and the community they serve, but it has also led to huge sums being... Read more

April 22, 2015

You can learn everything about Joshua Overbay’s naturalistic, haunting film As It Is in Heaven from the opening and closing scenes. I was surprised at how it began. I was told this was a film about a doomsday cult, but the first scene is idyllic, peaceful, beautiful. A simple young woman readies herself for the day. She pins her hair up, dresses in white, and walks peacefully through rural wildflowers and trees, heading down to the bank of a river.... Read more

April 13, 2015

There’s not really words to describe the joy and confidence I experienced as I read New Testament scholar N.T. Wright’s latest book, Simply Good News. In it, Wright argues that too many people (Christians and nonbelievers) think that the Gospel is “good advice” (how to live or get eternal life or be successful or whatever), but that in fact it is “good news“: “It is the news that something has happened as a result of which the world is a... Read more

April 10, 2015

Earlier this week, I posted my review of a mother-son memoir, Amy and Jonathan Hollingsworth’s Runaway Radical. The book really resonated with me, but it also left me with a lot of questions. I got in touch with Amy and Jonathan and asked if I could interview them. They graciously agreed. Below you will see the results of our discussion. We covered a lot of ground: parenting (particularly with a sensitive child), religious obsession and mental illness, cultivating a love... Read more

April 8, 2015

I get the draw of world missions. I grew up on Christian missionary biographies. These folks were my biggest heroes: they were people who sacrificed comfort and possessions in order to live in real surrender to God and in order to go share God’s love with those who had never heard His name. Whether a missionary was going to a jungle that was untouched by time and modernization, to the far East, or to the former Soviet Union, I was... Read more

April 4, 2015

In a world of constant bad news, today, there is good news! What is this good news? Is it that Christ’s spirit rose again? That His soul now lives? That Jesus lives in my heart? No, friends, those assurances alone are too paltry for the kind of joy we have today. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Lisa Miller wrote an insightful Newsweek article on the Resurrection published in 2010. She points out that in the time of the... Read more

April 3, 2015

On this most solemn day of the Christian year, let us stop for a moment at the foot of the cross and consider the great act of love by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You can read the whole narrative of Jesus’s crucifixion here. As you think about the story of the crucifixion, where do you see yourself in the story? Do you see yourself in Judas, the betrayer (the follower who falls away…the follower who turns to things... Read more

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