April 2, 2015

“Maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “command or mandate.” This day of the church year focuses on Jesus’s new commandment to love one another. But why do we name this day for the commandment rather that the gift of God bestowed? It’s telling. Our inclination as humans is to take control, to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, to do rather than be. But before Jesus gave His mandate to His disciples, He gave them two very important... Read more

March 27, 2015

Note: I preached this sermon in 2009, as a young pastor in North Dakota. I share it with you today, with just a small amount of editing. You can read the text for this Sunday here. The long-awaited day had arrived. Since Jesus had begun His ministry, whisperings about Him had been heard all through the land of Israel. There were people who guessed He might be the Messiah, the coming Deliverer who was prophesied about in the Old Testament.... Read more

March 23, 2015

Thanks for joining me for another installment of “Walking with Jesus through Lent.” During this season of the church year, comprised of the roughly forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, Christians focus on the themes of repentance, mortality, and the need for salvation. Many Christians fast from certain pleasures during this time in order to demonstrate repentance or grow in faith. For Lutherans, this practice is not mandated but may be a helpful one for certain believers. To... Read more

March 19, 2015

Hi readers, Just a quick note to share an important post with you. It’s been quite a lot of years since I first read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. There is a story in there about a Confession Booth that seriously pretty much changed my life and my approach to Christian mission. When I reviewed Tony Kriz’s book, Aloof, I was unaware that he was in Blue Like Jazz. But I recently discovered that in Miller’s book, Kriz is... Read more

March 16, 2015

(Trigger warning: this review contains some non-explicit references to sexual abuse. The film itself speaks more graphically of the abuse.) At first glance, Calvary is a deceptively simple film built around a very simple plot device: Father James (Brendan Gleeson), a Catholic priest in Ireland, is taking confessions one day when a man tells him that he was horrifically sexually abused many times a week for years as a young child…and that this abuse was committed by a Catholic priest.... Read more

March 14, 2015

  Thanks for joining me for another installment of “Walking with Jesus through Lent.” During this season of the church year, comprised of the roughly forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, Christians focus on the themes of repentance, mortality, and the need for salvation. Many Christians fast from certain pleasures during this time in order to demonstrate repentance or grow in faith. For Lutherans, this practice is not mandated but may be a helpful one for certain believers.... Read more

March 12, 2015

Vulnerable Faith by Jaime Arpin-Ricci is a treasure of a book. You could open it to any page and find something wise and profound, something that you could take years to really understand. It is a guidebook for the life of Christian discipleship. It uses the structure of Alcoholics Anonymous’s 12 Steps program and the narrative of the life of St. Patrick to lay out a roadmap for what Christian discipleship should look. The book opens with this quote from... Read more

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