January 25, 2016

During every Presidential election in recent history, candidates work hard to lay claim to a few select demographics they believe will help them secure enough votes to win the White House. One demographic most prized by conservative candidates is Evangelical Christians, considered by many to be the single most politically influential religious group in the nation. Nearly every speech or public appearance a Republican candidate makes will have a strong emphasis on “Judeo-Christian values” and will use catch phrases like, “the... Read more

January 14, 2016

After spending almost a week together in “prayer”, the Primates of the Anglican Communion have released a statement calling for official “discipline” of the Episcopal Church in America until it repents for the changes it has made in its doctrinal position on marriage. In a statement released by the Primates on Thursday, they noted: “Recent developments in The Episcopal Church with respect to a change in their Canon on marriage represent a fundamental departure from the faith and teaching held... Read more

December 30, 2015

Here we are again at the end of yet another year, but what a year this has been. For me, 2015 has been perhaps the most turbulent, exhilarating, terrifying, and blessed year that I’ve ever experienced. A year that has been filled with opportunity to step into freedom to be the person I was always meant to be. A year with challenges and unanswered questions that I’ve had to wrestle with. A year in which I have been privileged to... Read more

December 22, 2015

John Piper used to be my spiritual hero. Truth be told, I actually had a picture of John hanging in my dorm room at Moody Bible Institute. He modeled everything I wanted to be as a pastor. In recent years, however, as my theology has changed and as Piper has left the pastorate, our theological perspectives have drifted significantly. Piper consistently tweets things that make my stomach turn and represent a kind of Christianity that I don’t even consider truly Christian any... Read more

December 22, 2015

I don’t often do full fledge reviews of book anymore, but recently I received a copy of a soon to be released book from Skylight Paths Publishing called “Struggling in Good Faith: LGBTQI Inclusion from 13 American Religious Perspectives” and have found myself both grateful and perplexed by much of what I have found in this book. First, let me start with the positives. This book offers a brief theological overview of the case for full inclusion from many American religious traditions... Read more

December 17, 2015

The pressure is on at Wheaton College, a historic evangelical college outside of Chicago, after the administration placed tenured professor Larycia Hawkins on administrative leave for wearing a hijab and expressing her belief that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Hawkins’ attire was meant to “show solidarity with her Muslim brothers and sisters.” Hawkin commented further by making the assertion, “Muslims and Christians worship the same God,” which only added fuel to the fire and provoked charges of heresy... Read more

December 9, 2015

Donald Trump has been blowing up the media for the past week with his suggestion that we ban all Muslims from entering the United States. This is just another insane suggestion from the presidential candidate who has advocated for building a wall to keep out Mexicans (a majority of whom he believes are “rapists”), has said he knows how to single-handedly defeat ISIL (but doesn’t want to tell anyone), and has said captured soldiers aren’t war heroes. Many commentators, celebrities,... Read more

December 7, 2015

This homily was given at the Maryland Air Force National Guard Prayer Breakfast on December 6, 2015. For those of you who have roots within the Christian tradition, you know that we have entered into a time of year known as “Advent”, the season in the Christian Church Calendar that culminates in the Feast of Christmastide, or Christmas as most of us have come to know it. Advent is a season of waiting, a season of expectation, where we, with... Read more

December 3, 2015

Almost every day in recent memory, my phone has buzzed with a CNN alert of another tragedy or threat of tragedy that had taken place somewhere in our nation related to guns. Whether in my own community here in Washington D.C. or somewhere else around the nation, I continue to read reports of people being senselessly killed by gun violence, and every time I read these reports, I find myself asking, “What can we do to stop this epidemic?” But... Read more

November 29, 2015

Advent. Advent is the season of longing. The season when we stand in solidarity with the people of Israel thousands of years ago, groaning for deliverance and redemption. It is the season where we stand in the darkness, feeling the full weight of injustice, of sin, of our lostness. Where we feel the harsh cold winds of winter that tell of coming death. In this season, we feel the full magnitude of our perceived estrangement from God and from one... Read more

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