April 28, 2016

We’ve all heard the phrase, “You can’t take it with you.” That usually refers to not being able to take any of the material possessions we’ve acquired in life with us when we head off into the next world. Since the world’s religions mostly agree the soul does have an eternal journey ahead of it when it leaves this earth, it seems fair to ask: is there anything that the soul can take with it? Here are some possibilities to... Read more

April 26, 2016

I knew that from somewhere deep in my belly there was a glowing cord tying me to Cathy, a cord that could not be destroyed by death because it was eternal. Read more

April 24, 2016

“You wouldn’t disown me or anything if I joined a fraternity, right?” my son, a college sophomore, called to ask. “I wouldn’t disown you, but I sure would wonder how that came to seem like a good idea.” “Okay, cool. Here’s what’s going on ……” My kind, feminist, pacifist son is considering joining a fraternity. The miracle here is that he wanted to talk to me about it.  He knows that I am deeply opposed to gender-excluding social circles of... Read more

April 21, 2016

  The 12 Archangels, whose energies flow out from the magnificent Central Sun, are assigned the mission of helping humanity to move through their continuous cycles of evolution. They are a team of all-loving benevolent forces that work together with our higher selves to help us grow beyond our fear based perspectives. Because we create our lives into being with our thoughts and beliefs, ouranxiety has the potential to create havoc and suffering. When we shift the vibration of our... Read more

April 20, 2016

We all know people who come across as “heady” or nerdy—in fact, to be honest, I’ve been told that I am one of them. These are folks whose intellectual development has proceeded faster than their physical, emotional, moral, or spiritual attainment. Such people—as I have discovered through my own life experience—can lead difficult lives, sometimes falling into thorny problems because of their tendency to over-think or “complexify” in situations that instead require simple choices based on trusting the feelings of... Read more

April 18, 2016

I was already in the midst of a pretty remarkable spiritual adventure, which later became the basis for my memoir, Remembering 1969: Searching for the Eternal in Changing Times, when I found myself wandering in New York City one special winter’s evening. I was walking down 8th Street in Greenwich Village when I stopped to look in a bookstore window. It was a book on mythology that caught my eye. I walked into the store to find the book. I... Read more

April 16, 2016

I learned that the spirit realm was not all angels and harp music, and that I needed to point my arrow clearly at a definite target to attract the type of uplifting and inspiring experiences I desired. Read more

April 14, 2016

The Inside Story: What Happened On the Steps of the Vatican Embassy? A number of people have requested an update on the peaceful protest that took place on the steps of the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. three weeks ago about which I posted in  “Do This in Remembrance of Me” Will Pope Francis Consider Ordaining Women? The excerpts below are taken from Jane Via’s, Janice Sevre-Duszynska’s and Roy Bourgeois’ account of what occurred on Holy Thursday: Holy Thursday Vatican Embassy Witness:... Read more

April 13, 2016

These are not recently deceased relatives, nor are they disembodied and troubled souls. Tingling through me like raindrops on dry soil, they carry the warm heft of angels and the fragrance of pure love. Read more

April 12, 2016

Does the practice of spirituality have a place for Jesus Christ? I like to think so. For me, Jesus comes through as Christ Consciousness, a powerful Ascended Master who is here to remind us to love, feel compassion and heal ourselves as much as possible. And, he likes to dance! Read more

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