Black Pastors: “Who better can help us help ourselves than Donald Trump?”

Black Pastors: “Who better can help us help ourselves than Donald Trump?” December 6, 2015

A few months ago I posed a question to all of the presidential candidates.  I asked them if they would go to the inner city.  I asked the candidates if they would let the inner city know they matter.  I asked the candidates if they would ensure the inner cities got the education they deserve so that they can take advantage of the opportunities that America offers?

And guess what?  Donald Trump did just that this week.  He met with 100 black pastors, many of whom serve in the inner city, because he said he wanted to hear from them.

And after the meeting several of the pastors joined Trump for a press conference.

Dr. Steve Parson, a minister in Richmond, Virginia, joined eight others at a Manassas rally to show their support for the Republican front runner.

“People ask my ‘why are you endorsing Donald Trump?’ Well, in my opinion, he’s the best and the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton,” Parson said.

“We’ve got to win and one thing about Donald Trump is that he’s a winner. He knows how to create wealth. As a black minister, we’re right in the inner city and I’ll tell you, we need jobs, we need employment, we need businesses, and who better can help us help ourselves than Donald Trump?” Parson asked.

“I personally believe that this is a movement. I personally believe that we’re in a situation now where this country called America is going to come back and be made great again,” Parson said.

The pastor joined Trump in New York on Monday during a meeting with about 100 black ministers from across the country.

I am so glad that Donald Trump took my advice to presidential candidates and is paying attention to the plight of those in the inner city.

I grew up in the Bronx, so I know firsthand just how much America’s inner cities need to hear a conservative and loving message.  They need to know that they matter to the Republican party and that we have a plan to help lift these neighborhoods out of poverty.

When you run for President, you’re running to represent everyone – of all political parties, all faiths, all races, and all socioeconomic backgrounds. There are few things more important than listening to all groups and bringing your message to all groups if you hope to be a successful candidate.

You can watch more from the press conference here:

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