October 5, 2016

Embed from Getty Images Last night’s VP debate was interesting from a religious point of view because it pitted a departed Catholic against a dissident Catholic. In doing some demographic studies of the church recently I came across the statistics I already knew–that former Catholics are one of the largest religious groupings in the USA. We should be honest. We’re losing members more than we’re gaining them. Hispanics are easily drawn to the Protestant churches with their informal worship and... Read more

October 4, 2016

An interesting study reported in London’s left-leaning The Guardian here has upheld a clear link between the hormonal birth control pill and depression. A newly published study from the University of Copenhagen has confirmed a link between hormonal contraceptives and depression. The largest of its kind, with one million Danish women between the ages of 15 and 34 tracked for a total of 13 years, it’s the kind of study that women such as me, who have experienced the side-effects of birth control-induced depression first hand,... Read more

September 28, 2016

In today’s news a group concerned with hate crime on campus reports that one of the complaints they had was from someone who objected to a crucifix because it was “a symbol of oppression and hate of the LBGT+ community” This article reports how the University of Wisconsin/La Crosse have a “bias/hate” reporting system through which students may anonymously report incidents they find offensive. These have ranged from such serious offenses as a professor wearing a sombrero and affecting a... Read more

September 27, 2016

I’ve been pondering the Trump phenomenon and it is truly incredible to watch. His performance in last night’s debate was pretty awful, but that will not matter in the least, and he knows it. He is rising to power, and I predict that he will continue to do so no matter what he does. This is because he has caught a wave that nobody else saw coming. Trump’s genius is that he is a salesman. He knows that to make... Read more

September 6, 2016

Why go to confession? Because the fast way to hell might be through a big, nasty, dirty and shocking mortal sin (with sudden death soon to follow) but the slow way is to take the “broad way that leads to destruction.” The road to hell is shoulder to shoulder with nice people who never do anything very bad, but also never do anything very good. Complacent, ordinary folks who say, “Yeh, well, I’m only human. It’s true I have some... Read more

September 5, 2016

You have to admit, the Catholic Church, being universal truly includes everyone. We have our saints. We have our sinners, and like every family, we have our crazy uncles. While millions of Catholics rejoice at the canonization of Mother Teresa guess what, some of the more wild eyed conspiracy theory types think she’s a stinker. You probably know that the extreme fundamentalist Catholics not only can’t stand Pope Francis, but they also think Popes John XXIII, Paul VI John Paul II and Pope Benedict... Read more

September 5, 2016

What if the left wing secular atheists attacked Pope Francis the way they do Mother Teresa? I expect it would read something like this: Can you believe what this so called “saintly pope” did yesterday? He gave 1500 homeless people a pizza party. That is sooo condescending? He’s able to live an a Renaissance palace if he wants to, and he “lowers himself” to give homeless people pizza??? How cheap is that? The people needed a proper meal and proper nutrition... Read more

September 3, 2016

There’s some fuzzy thinking among Catholics on the issue of abortion and war. The argument goes like this: “Vote Democrat and innocent babies get killed through abortion. Vote Republican and innocent people get killed in an unjust war. Since you’re going to end up with killing either way, let’s ignore those issues and focus on the economy.” The subtext is, “I’m going to vote Democrat even if their candidate does support partial birth abortion.” The present Democratic president…winner of the... Read more

August 27, 2016

It doesn’t seem possible that I have been blogging for ten years, but it’s true. I started Standing on My Head in September 2006. For the last six months I have been blogging less and less and I have been wondering why. One of the reason is that I have simply run out of steam, but there is more to it than that. I think blogging itself has pretty much run its course. Over the last ten years with blogging,... Read more

August 24, 2016

We live in turbulent times. There is much transition and many sense that historic events are taking place before our eyes. Things we thought were solid and secure are shifting and changing. We seem to be dancing on quicksand. As a result of this transition and change people are bewildered, confused, discontented, angry and afraid. When times are stormy–whether it is in our personal life, in our workplace, our family, our community or our nation–people turn again to look for... Read more

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