October 23, 2018

Why is Samhain considered the "Pagan New Year?" Turns out, it's a poignant way of looking at life. Read more

October 17, 2018

If you’ve woken up tired lately, or have been having crazy dreams, it could be that you're working with your beloved dead and other spirits as you sleep. Read more to find out what you can do about it. Read more

October 13, 2018

My need to practice is reflexive upon my spiritual growth. When I practice, my soul evolves, and I understand myself more.  Because I grow, my practice assists me in grounding the new energy and assimilating it into my life. Read more

October 1, 2018

If you've ever wished to be invisible in a public place or wanted to stand out in a crowd, casting an energetic cloak can assist you. We can control what others see, to some degree, when we weave magic into the air around us. Read more

September 25, 2018

When it comes to 'hereditary witches,' it’s all about how you define who/what a witch is. There are two basic options. Read more

September 13, 2018

We've come a looooong way since the 1990's, when I started getting into paganism and witchcraft.  Quite a few things have changed -- I venture to say it's mostly for the better. Read more

September 3, 2018

It's true that 'modern witchcraft' originated in the past century, but witchcraft and magic have been around for a lot longer. Read more

August 30, 2018

Here are my favorite stones for healing, elevating, and trance work. Read more

August 23, 2018

The old Norse gods are alive and well in modern Pagan Viking music. Read more

August 11, 2018

Some people think there's only one right way to be a witch or work magic. I don't know about you, but I don't live in a black and white world. My world is full of color, with light and dark, and thousands of shades in between, and they're all magical. Read more

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