June 6, 2013

I come into focus one pixel at a time. One of the first things I do each morning is reach for my glasses. The brightness of the light hits me in the face, and I open each eye separately. Objects come into focus one at a time. Slowly, the familiar distinguishes itself from the comforting gloom. Patterns begin to emerge. I have been taught to approach life in general the same way I approach each new day. I break things... Read more

June 4, 2013

This post was selected as the Best of Lead With Giants July 2013 on LeadWithGiants.com We are proud of the ways our leadership drains us. We have such important responsibilities, we are the indispensable piece that holds everything together, without us everything would fall apart. If we were to take a vacation, or even a break, they might never recover. Yet, the leaders who inspire me are refreshing. It is not only their bubbly, sparkling personalities. Their leadership refreshes themselves. The... Read more

June 1, 2013

We live our lives surrounded by an ocean of deep truths. There are times when the Depth and the truths intimidate us, and we hide from them. We distract ourselves by trying to show how important we are and what we have achieved on our own. We distract ourselves with things, toys, exotic experiences and complicated relationships. We distract ourselves, but the deep truths remain. The truth is there in the Depth, in the silence, even when we do not... Read more

May 30, 2013

Growing up in the Midwest, health was a matter of what we could endure. We were healthy because we made it through a long cold winter, which builds character. As long as we did not break any bones or bleed very much, we were healthy. We were breathing, and we could keep going. Now I live in Southern California, where we measure health differently. Traditional and nontraditional, Eastern and Western; we have a wide variety of health we can choose.... Read more

May 28, 2013

Leadership is learning to dance. Leaders develop a sense of the rhythms of life. They get all the partners making the right moves at the right time, choreographing controlled beauty. They glide across the floor, or they fly through the air, hands and feet working together to produce athletic artistry. Some people lead like ballet, with clearly prescribed steps in specific patterns. Others lead with more abandon, giving each dancer the freedom to showcase their own moves. Some lead in ways... Read more

May 25, 2013

We pause for a moment to remember places where the Depth has flooded our lives, times when we realized its immensity and power. We remember where we were when we first learned it had happened; the first time, or the first in a long time, that we knew. The details are important mileposts in our stories. The light had a certain quality. We were listening to that song. I remember the smell of lavender, or a wood fire, or freshly... Read more

May 23, 2013

I like to take walks. Walking helps me reflect on things, allowing questions and answers to work themselves out in my brain. Walking is a way to spend time both alone and with other people. Walking is good exercise that does not usually require my full concentration. Walking also allows me to accomplish things while I am getting exercise and reflecting; multitasking for physical, intellectual, and social health. Occasionally, walking demands that I pay focused attention. There are stretches of sidewalk... Read more

May 21, 2013

Leading is personal. Yes, leadership is about bringing out the best in people and helping them work together to achieve common goals. But leading is even more personal than that. Leading is personal to the leader. Each person leads uniquely. You cannot become a leader by reading a book or just doing what someone else tells you to do. Everyone leads by example; leadership is do it yourself. The first person you ever lead is yourself. The leaders who inspire... Read more

May 18, 2013

I am a member of a liturgical church. When we get together we remind ourselves of our shared story, and we share a meal. We surround ourselves with signs and symbols that help us remember who we are. We have banners and paintings, pictures in stained glass, music, kneeling and the sign of the cross, and a basket for the food locker. There is one symbol that can be easy to overlook, even though it is my favorite. We remind... Read more

May 16, 2013

There are times when I am so focused that I forget to breathe. I am talking, and I keep pushing until I run out of air. I am writing or thinking, and I realize that need to stand up, walk around and take a deep breath. Focus can be very helpful to me. I remember things, and get things done because I am able to focus. It can be important to pay attention, to concentrate, to bring things into focus.... Read more

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