June 4, 2020

Whether you have been working for change for most of your life, started 4-6 years ago, or just figured it out last week: what's important is that you're doing it.  And that we keep doing it for the long haul. But especially for the newcomers, here are 5 things to keep in mind to make your Magical Resistance work more effective and powerful. Read more

May 24, 2020

We stand at the precipice of new possibilities.  We have the choice to help create a better future, or sit on the sidelines. It may seem like a daunting task, but we must remember that change starts at the root level.  Effective, influential change starts with us, in our own backyards.  Read more

May 15, 2020

I thought this was a good poem to start with, because sometimes we can all use a reminder about who we are and what we do.  Read more

May 11, 2020

There is no question in my mind that dancing has tremendous healing power. The body is our most powerful, magical tool at our immediate disposal. But sometimes we need a reminder.  Read more

May 6, 2020

Myth plays a very important role in Witchcraft.  But when we start to take myths too literally, we can miss the finer and most important points entirely.  Read more

April 24, 2020

The Psychopomp Sigil is designed to help ease the passing of the dying and deceased (as well as help those who grieve them.) Read more

April 21, 2020

While meeting in virtual space for a coven gathering or Sabbat isn't quite the same, it can definitely help you still feel connected. For Beltane, my partner and I are offering an experience you can all join in - from our home to yours.  Read more

April 12, 2020

A Sigil for the Protection of the Vulnerable is designed to aid those who on top of the difficulties we're all facing as a society, may also find themselves in abusive situations as well.  Before we dive into the sigil, how it was made, and how to use it, I want to give a little bit of background - as well as help to identify some more subtle forms of abuse that we may have a tendency to ignore or sweep under the table. Read more

April 1, 2020

Witchcraft, by its nature, is a tool for dealing with the unknown, weaving invisible threads, being creatively resourceful, and looking at the world through a different lens.  Read more

March 31, 2020

In this sigil, we address not only the body and soul of human beings, but also recognizing the body and spirit of the earth and nature that we are also a part of.  We wanted to create something that addressed agricultural and farming needs (to literally feed and sustain folks), worked with the environment itself, and also tapped into mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Read more

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