A Sigil to Ignite Healing

A Sigil to Ignite Healing August 26, 2020

Healing and change tend to be slow-going, but on occasion it can happen in bursts that cause sustainable and effective positive change.  This was on our minds on Thursday, August 20th as my Sigil Witchery workshop students contemplated what we wished to create a sigil for. As part of every workshop, we collectively craft a sigil, and since March, every workshop has touched upon helping folks get through this pandemic in some way. (Complete list of these sigils can be found near the bottom of this post).

We were looking to create a sigil that supported finding a successful cure/vaccine as quickly/safely as possible, while also tending to the emotional, mental, and physical needs of the community.  It also fosters a stable base for humanitarian and political change/growth, while illuminating the path before us and helping to clear the way. It’s a spark to wake things up. Ignition gets us started, but there’s also a focus to keep the intention and action flowing for the long haul – to facilitate healing.  The end result is a sigil that visually gives off a sense of balance, support, and energy.

The digital whiteboard for the workshop:
Built Into This Sigil:
– Stimulate progress/forward momentum
– Support a successful vaccine/cure for COVID-19 happening as quickly as possible
– Foster community-mindfulness
– Increase access/accessibility/availability
– Increase clarity/accuracy of energy & precise/urgent timing
– Cultivate logic/wisdom/common sense/facts vs. harmful misinformation
– Generate balance
– Sustainability & resilience for those working for change and healing growth

A Sigil to Ignite Healing – High resolution

How to Use This Sigil:
You are welcome to use this sigil however you see fit that is in alignment with the intent of the sigil.
Ideas for use:
– draw or carve on a candle (white, yellow, orange, gold, or red are suggested)
– use as a meditation focus
– apply to the body to assist with healing of body, mind, or heart.
– apply to political/humanitarian causes

Please note: When sharing this sigil (or any other sigil you find on this blog), please be sure to include the link to the blog post.  The sigil works best if people understand precisely what went into it, versus just sharing the image and telling people to use it.

Creative Commons License
A Sigil to Ignite Healing by Laura Tempest Zakroff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

More Sigils Like This One
This sigil joins the other recently crafted ones as tools to help us collectively address the ongoing challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic.  Those include:
A Sigil To Feed the Body & Soul
The Immunity Booster Sigil
The Needs Met Sigil
A Sigil For Managing Panic
A Sigil For the Protection of the Vulnerable
Psychopomp Sigil
Growth for a New Tomorrow Sigil
Clarity for the Next Step Sigil
The Truth Speaks Sigil
A Sigil to Foster Stability

To find out more about this method of crafting sigils, checking out Sigil Witchery.

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