Kenneth Copeland thrown over by TBN for a younger, prettier model

Kenneth Copeland thrown over by TBN for a younger, prettier model August 21, 2020

THE message will be the same: Jesus needs your money  … and lot’s of it! The only difference is that it will be delivered via the Trinity Broadcasting Network by a Bible huckster a lot younger than Kenneth Copeland, who was recently ditched by TBN.

Foghorns for Jesus: Furtick and Copeland. Images via YouTube.

Dear readers I give you – all the way from North Carolina’s Elevation mega-church –  prosperity preacher Steven Furtick, above left, who carries out “spontaneous baptisms” that aren’t spontaneous at all.

After Copeland was thrown overboard, Nate Daniels, TBN’s Marketing Director, said here that the move is part of a number of changes the network:

 Just like the world in which we live, TBN is constantly evolving, seeking to provide exclusive programming that is uniquely built for the challenges facing Christians in this moment.

As the leading global religious broadcaster, we want to provide our viewers with compelling and dynamic preaching, teaching, news and entertainment.

Earlier said he partnered with TBN for 40 years.

This is a big change, but one we are ready for because we understand change. We are exploding with vision. We are experiencing His power, and we have embraced the greatest changes we have ever seen. Change is a good thing because everything that is alive changes in order to grow.

Copeland, a prosperity gospel televangelist, hosts Believer’s Voice of Victory with his wife, Gloria Copeland. The show teaches on righteousness, healing and prosperity — principles the Copelands say are the foundations for victorious living through Jesus Christ.

Copeland, who with his wife served on President Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board during the 2016 campaign, has come under fire for his luxurious lifestyle.

In 2019, he made headlines when he told an Inside Edition reporter that he wouldn’t be able to do his work without the use of extravagant planes.

Copeland has also come under fire amid the coronavirus pandemic. In March, the pastor declared “judgment” on the coronavirus pandemic in a widely shared YouTube video that has more than 1.7 million views. It’s worth watching because it’s far funnier than anything on Comedy Central.

In early August, despite mounting Covid-19 cases nationwide, Kenneth Copeland Ministries held the Southwest Believers’ Convention in Fort Worth as religious events in Texas have been largely exempt from COVID-19 executive order. Many attendees were not wearing masks or keeping 6 feet apart.

Meanwhile, Furtick has associated himself with other megachurch pastors such as Joel Osteen, James MacDonald, Ed Young Jr, Perry Noble and T D Jakes, some of whom have also been criticised for promoting a prosperity gospel.

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