An invitation to become a trustee of the Pink Triangle Trust

An invitation to become a trustee of the Pink Triangle Trust August 11, 2021

Photo by Diesel Balaam

IN the wake of the death earlier this year of George Broadhead, above, secretary of the UK LGBT charity, the Pink Triangle Trust, the trust has put out an appeal for people to become trustees.

Since the trust was established in 1992, it has made grants to a wide array of non-religious organisations both in the UK and abroad.

Example: There are very few educational facilities in Africa that encourage pupils to embrace positive attitudes towards LGBT people, but the Isaac Newton High School in Katera, Uganda, is one notable exception, providing lessons based on Humanist principles rather than on divisive religious dogma and fear of ‘the other.’


Image via Flickr

Director of the school is Peter Kisirinya who said:

I am very open to the gay community the world over and I have a positive outlook. As you know I have been creating a supportive environment in school for children of all sexual orientations. I am happy that the Pink Triangle Trust and other gay groups have been supporting humanist Schools for some time.

When the PTT heard that the school had a pressing need for dining furniture it donated £2,000 of the £3,000 required to provide 100 chairs and 50 dining tables.

When Steve Hurd, chair of the Ugandan Schools Trust learned of the donation he responded by saying:

Peter will be delighted to be able to get the dining hall up and running. He has wanted the facility for years so that dining can become a social occasion in the school.

PTT Secretary George Broadhead added added at the time:

The PTT has always tried to support struggling Humanist organisations and, prior to this, has provided funding for two other Humanist schools in Uganda. It has also funded the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust and Nigerian Humanist Association.

The school is also supported by UK-based North East Humanists who provide scholarships for students.

They point out that Isaac Newton is a humanist school which accepts children of all religions. It provides education for around 130 students, who study subjects such as biology, physics, chemistry, agriculture, fine arts, music, political education and history

The school caters for orphaned children who are running families on their own, children in disadvantaged families who cannot afford secondary education, abandoned children who can be placed in foster homes near the school, and children who can pay fees to generate income and support the disadvantaged children.

NEH raises funds to support students through a year at the school, with the children sponsored ranging from 12 to 17 years of age.
The annual cost of tuition for each child is £300, including a school uniform.

Jean and Barrie Berkley from NEH, as well as Roger McAdam and Jack Jeffrey have all visited the school which continues to grow and thrive with the support of North East Humanists and other Humanist groups.

Image courtesy Rainbows Across Borders

The previous year Rainbows Across Borders, a UK-based voluntary self-help group for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) asylum seekers who are fleeing persecution of oppressive homophobic/transphobic regimes was given a £500 donation by The Pink Triangle Trust.

In a letter of thanks to the PTT, the group, which operates out of Croydon in south London, said:

It is noted by members of Rainbows Across Borders that the PTT has been our constant supporter: not only in the encouragement given for what we constantly try to achieve, but, also for the regularity of the of financial support provided to enable the group to cover the cost to cover the fees of their meetings.

It added that:

We continue to struggle through lack of resources to fulfill many of our objectives. However, what we are proud of since our inception in January 2013 is that no member who has been constant & involved with the group has been removed & sent back to their countries of origin. It’s calculated that the numbers ‘granted leave to remain’ in the UK, so far is 194.

The group pursues policies of integration with LGBT Groups in Croydon and elsewhere. It provides a secure and safe space for members to share experiences as LGBT asylum seekers and to mutually build confidence and knowledge about the asylum process as it affects the individual applicant. It’s supported by those who have already been granted leave to stay in the United Kingdom.

The group also supports the work of campaigning groups and charities and refers members to those that campaign and provide legal and other support services for asylum seekers.

In calling for new trustees, the PTT’s Diesel Balaam said:

We are looking to recruit some new trustees, as with George’s death and our Chair standing down, we are only just about quorate.  Nigel Jones (an existing trustee) is approaching LGBT Humanists via Humanists UK.

The salient points are as follows:

• The PTT is an established charity registered with the UK Charities Commission in 1992.

• Being a Trustee is voluntary and unpaid (reasonable expenses are reimbursed).

• There is no financial commitment from any trustee. Most matters are handled by email.

• The Trust is well-financed with over £100,000 in ethical investments.

• Trustees discuss, agree and vote, by email, where to place donations to support LGBT and secular projects.

• There is an AGM once a year, usually held in the Midlands, or London, UK.

• Our mission is to support LGBT people and secular Humanists globally

• We educate on matters of LGBT equality and promote secular Humanism

• A list of the trust’s prominent international patrons, including human rights campaigner Leo Igwe, can be found here.

• Trustees do not have to be LGBT, but must be on board with the LGBT equality agenda

• Trustees must be secular-Humanist in outlook.

If you would like to become a trustee of this very worthy charity, please email your details to me ( and I will pass them on to Diesel Balaam.

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