N Carolina’s fool of a Lt Governor calls LGBT people ‘filth’

N Carolina’s fool of a Lt Governor calls LGBT people ‘filth’ October 10, 2021

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REPUBLICAN Mark Robinson, above, a devout Christian and fiery preacher, has been in the job for less than a year, but in that time has succeeded in annoying a great many people.

Last month, speaking at the right-wing North Carolina Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Salt & Light Conference”, Robinson suggested that anyone who claims that America is not a Christian nation should be “deported.”

If you don’t like it, I’ll buy your plane, train or automobile ticket … You can go to some place that is not a Christian nation … This will always be a Christian nation. It was established by Him.

Apparently so many people took up his offer to get out of Jesus-crazed America that he’s now gone bankrupt.

It’s now emerged that his idiotic address was preceded by a sermon at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove, during which he labelled trangenderism and homosexuality “filth.”

The emergence of the video sparked an angry response from many, including White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates, a native of North Carolina, who said:

These words are repugnant and offensive. The role of a leader is to bring people together and stand up for the dignity and rights of everyone; not to spread hate and undermine their own office.

The White House joined a chorus of officials decrying Robinson’s comments but didn’t call for the lieutenant governor to resign, unlike many others, including several Democratic US Senate candidates in the state.

In the now-viral video, Robinson says:

There’s no reason anybody, anywhere in America should be telling children about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth. Yes, I called it filth.

Robinson also told the congregation that it’s “child abuse” to force parents to send their children to school, tell them where to send children to school, and then teach their children to hate America and that they’re racist.

Robinson, a first-term Lieutenant Governor who rose to fame in a viral video about Second Amendment gun rights, has made a name for himself as an outspoken critic of Critical Race Theory, the Black Lives Matter Movement and the LGTBQ community.

Robertson supports the burning of abortion clinics

In his speech in June, Robinson also called Black Lives Matters activists “socialist liars and nitwits” who lack truth and God.

Black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter. You know how I know that? Because if they did, you know where they would be instead of being at the police station? They would be down there at the gang hangout, at the drug dealer’s house burning that down. They’d be down at the abortion clinic burning that down if Black lives really mattered.

Among those who do want Robinson to resign include N C Senator Jeff Jackson, a Mecklenburg County Democrat who is running for US Senate.

The Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest LGBTQ+ rights organisation, also called on the obese buffoon to go.

Though North Carolina’s top Republicans have not commented on Robinson’s statements, some Republican political consultants took to Twitter condemning “anti-gay” movements.

Brent Woodcox, Senate Leader Phil Berger’s senior policy counsel, tweeted:

There is no future for a political party that is anti-gay. There just isn’t a large enough constituency in this country for the attitude. The world changed. Some politicians are catching up.

Robinson’s spokesman, John Waugh, wrote in a statement to The News & Observer on Friday that Robinson’s statements from June were in the context of educating children and how schools should focus on reading, writing and math.

Topics surrounding transgenderism and homosexuality should be discussed at home and not in public education. Our primary focus needs to be helping our students succeed, not on topics that should be discussed at home.

• Please report any typos/errors to barry@freethinker.co.uk

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