Plague rat pastor claims court ordered him to lie about Covid-19

Plague rat pastor claims court ordered him to lie about Covid-19 October 16, 2021

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ANTI-VAXXER Artur Pawlowski, above, a pastor who has had several run-ins with Canadian authorities for violating ongoing coronavirus restrictions, was ordered to pay “crippling fines” and surrender his” free speech rights” as part of a probation agreement to avoid jail time.

Christian Post reports that during his sentencing hearing this week for persistently violating court orders, he was told to pay $23,000 in fines and undergo 18 months of probation.

The terms of the probation include 120 hours of community service, restrictions on his ability to leave the province of Alberta, and what his lawyer described as “suppression of freedom of expression.”

Rebel News, a dotty media outlet that pumps out conspiracy theories and “persecuted Christians”, reports quoted the pastor as saying:

Basically, what the judge is saying is that I cannot be a pastor anymore. For 18 months, I have to give up my rights, I have to give up my convictions, I have to give up my faith and I cannot participate in anything that I believe in.

Every time I open my mouth to the public, I have to lie to the public by saying ‘vaccinations are saving lives, that masks work, that doctors and scientists are all for the restrictions.

I have to become a liar every time I open my mouth in order to appease the corrupted judges and the corrupted court systems and the corrupted politicians. They are breaking the same rules all the time and they’re caught breaking the same rules, but it’s one law for the peasants, for the slaves and another for the kings and the judges.

Rebel News has launched a “Save Pastor Artur Pawlowski” petition, so far signed by more than 38,000.

In the written decision released yesterday (Friday), Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain mandated that when Pawlowski speaks against health services Orders and recommendations in a public gathering or public forum, he must issue an addendum, which reads in part:

I am aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favor social distancing, mask-wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Sarah Miller, Pawlowski’s lawyer, suggested that the ruling was based on a political vendetta against Pawlowski.

I think that Justice Germain … was trying to find a way … to suppress Artur Pawlowski as much as possible while trying to find a way to stay within the confines … of precedential law.

Miller suggested she intends to appeal Germain’s ruling and “file an application to stay the order pending the appeal.”

In his written ruling, Germain accused Pawlowski of “contributing to this ominous health situation” by his “defiance of the health rules” and:

Public posturing, which encourages others to doubt the legitimacy of the pandemic.

Germain chastised Pawlowski for “on the wrong side of science, history, and common sense on this issue.” He also took issue with Pawlowski referring to public health officers and government officials as “Nazis” and electing to “air his grievances about Alberta in another country,” implicitly referring to his appearances on Fox News and his recent speaking tour in the US.

In the first video that gained him international attention, Pawlowski angrily told police who interrupted a Passover service at The Cave of Adullam to leave, comparing them to “Nazis” and the “Gestapo,” the secret police in Nazi Germany.

The Polish immigrant appeared on Fox News shortly after the confrontation, stating that the actions of his government bring back memories of his childhood, when he lived in Soviet-controlled Poland.

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