End of a Decade, end of the year, I want to write the end of an era. Voodoo Universe the blog was started in 2013 and for most of the past decade it has been a wild ride. There have been almost a million page views and I am so thankful and amazed by everyone who reads and shares what is featured here. We have grown to become the most popular Voodoo blog in the world and continue to remain dedicated to accurate and respectful information about New Orleans Voodoo, Haitian Vodou, La Regla Lucumi, and all of the other African Traditional Religions.
So without further ado the Top Ten posts by views :
10. Meaning and Use of Cowrie Shells – This is a story of a simple shell that is used as money, a tribute, and a way to know the future. Some historians believe the Cowrie shell was one of the first systems of money used, and it’s importance is wide reaching.
9. Black Salt, White Salt, and Red Brick Dust All Over– Protection magick is a good portion of any witch’s arsenal no matter what tradition. Here I take a look at some traditional items used to bless and protect an individual and their space.
8. Nine Real Truths About Voodoo Spells – This post should be required reading for anyone thinking about doing a spell or having one done for them.
7. Hilarious Horrid Pagan Pick Up Lines for Valentine’s Day – Yes, I’ve heard it all.
6. 5 Creative Ways to Recharge your Tarot Cards. – I’ve been reading cards professionally for over 3 decades, here are my top tips for cleansing and blessing your Tarot Cards whenever necessary.
5. The History of Haint Blue- The Color of the Dead . The Dead have a color and this is it.
4. 8 Simple Pagan Kitchen Blessings– Some people dislike the word Pagan, and I understand their reasoning, but here it is used to simply classify all nature based religions. This post presents time honored ways to make sure this spiritual center of your home is blessed.
3. The Voodoo Truth about Papa Legba – Unfortunately the media has presented a skewed picture of Voodoo as a whole and Papa Legba most specifically. In this piece I sort out some of the differences between fact and fantasy on this subject.
2. 10 DIY Gifts For Yule – I’m a crafty witch, there is no doubt about that.
And lastly the most viewed post of all 21 Ways to Use Florida Water. This is my most popular post ever. Because quite frankly I sprinkle the stuff everywhere !
Truth be told I’m an Aries and I hate endings. So here’s to all the blessings and good things to come. I’m happy to tell you that next year I will be publishing a new book Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens, which is now available for pre-order and I’d really appreciate your support. There will be more exciting content featured here on this blog, and on my youtube channel . Thanks for reading !
As always if you have enjoyed what you read here please remember to comment, like, and share.