January 18, 2014

Over at Cost Plus World Market. And she was right. In fact, I even got a cart, see? (more…) Read more

January 15, 2014

The big headline was all about Pope Francis’s strong words regarding the horror of abortion. Let others be shocked that il Papa stands for the culture of life. The neat thing to me was that the comments were made to the envoys to the Holy See. Ambassadors will have a few things to report back to their respective Chief Executives, etc. The tidbit that stealthily stood out to me, though, was the mention of the 100 minute long meeting between U.S.... Read more

January 11, 2014

That’s how I read their editor’s statement, written by Brian Kelly. Titled as a “Statement on Controversy About Catholics on the Supreme Court,” Kelly begins with, (more…) Read more

January 9, 2014

Yesterday, longtime US News & World Report columnist  Jamie Stiehm posted an anti-Catholic screed regarding the controversy stirred up by Justice Sotomayor’s stay protecting the Little Sisters of the Poor from the dictates of the HHS Mandate. Today, in what I reckon is a move to not show favoritism towards Ms. Stiehm’s skewed viewpoint, they have given Sister Mary Ann Walsh, Director of Media Relations at the USCCB, a forum as well. (more…) Read more

January 8, 2014

Seriously? I mean you just knew that Chuck Norris was not going to be the bad guy in this post. Right? (more…) Read more

January 7, 2014

Though the present Administration doesn’t see things this way. This thought was from an editorial posted by the Religion News Service written by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz,  President of the USCCB. The title? (more…) Read more

January 6, 2014

The stupid T-shirt they don’t have yet! Get ’em while the getting’s good. They’re selling like hotcakes. 🙂 Read more

January 6, 2014

The Associated Press shared the news a few minutes ago. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has put same-sex marriages on hold in Utah, at least while a federal appeals court more fully considers the issue. (more…) Read more

January 5, 2014

Archbishop William Lori took to the pages of The Baltimore Sun yesterday in an effort to let the peoples’ representatives in the House and Senate, see, hear, and act now to stymie Caesar. Take a look. Pope Francis recently reaffirmed that religious freedom is “a fundamental human right” and warned against the impulse to “relegate [religions] to the enclosed precincts of churches, synagogues or mosques.” The freedom of religion cannot be reduced to the freedom of worship. (more…) Read more

January 4, 2014

Originally, this post was published in mid-January, 2012. A few days later, the thoughts I read by John Courtney Murray, SJ, inspired me to draft the little petition that, with the help of 29,000+ folks, got the White House’s attention when they determined that the HSS Mandate was, for the Church, a “fait accompli.” Given Justice Sotomayor’s decision to block the Administration’s HHS Mandate toward’s The Little Sisters of the Poor, I’ve decided to dust this off and republish it.... Read more

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