Congratulations to Our Own!

Congratulations to Our Own! December 19, 2015

If you are still agonizing over how to select that life-changing-yet-affordable Christmas gift, we at the Anxious Bench — especially the prolific among us — are here to help.

519Yc20bCFL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_A few days ago, Christianity Today announced that our Thomas Kidd’s biography of George Whitefield has won its 2015 book award for History / Biography. I praised the book last year here. Whitefield was a trans-Atlantic evangelist who exerted a deep and lasting influence on the development of evangelicalism in the United States. Richly researched, fair in its analysis, and inspiring in its subject matter. Congratulations — well deserved! If you buy this book for loved ones and friends unfamiliar with Whitefield, be sure to tell them that his name is pronounced Whit-field.

If early and medieval Christianity is more your cup of eggnog, our Philip Jenkins recently published his The Many Faces of Christ, which explores the persistent influence of alternative gospels of Jesus Christ. Christians in various parts of Europe, as well as in points to the East, read these supposedly “lost gospels” for many centuries. This book will introduce you to those communities of Christians and the many ways in which they imagined, worshiped, and followed their Savior.


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