Toni Morrison Thinks Shooting White People Will End Racism

Toni Morrison Thinks Shooting White People Will End Racism April 25, 2015

Toni Morrison Flickr

For a writer, Toni Morrison made a strange choice of words in an interview last week. Her idea of “ending” racism is just to see bad things happen to white people.

What? Why? Because it’s their turn? Because no one with lighter skin has ever been discriminated against? Because only people with light skin have done bad things only to people with dark skin?

If you ask what’s behind her statement, it doesn’t make any sense. And just on the surface, it’s more than a little scary to hear from someone who many people look up to.

Here’s what Toni Morrison said:

People keep saying, ‘We need to have a conversation about race’.

This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back.

And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, ‘Is it over?’, I will say yes.

I even checked the original article, thinking surely this quote was taken out of context. But no, it looks like that’s really all she said!

Ms. Morrison, revenge is no way to make wrong things right. It only creates more problems.

Frankly, she should know better!

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Photo Credit: Angela Radulescu via Flickr.

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