Abortions Are Down 12% Since 2010. Is Social Media Helping?

Abortions Are Down 12% Since 2010. Is Social Media Helping? June 18, 2015

baby eyes

The AP did a survey of state health departments and found abortions are down 12% nationwide since 2010. Abortion rates went down in states that made abortion laws stricter, and even in states that didn’t. What great news!

The Gospel Coalition asked, “Could Facebook be helping reduce abortions?” Joe Carter writes what he thinks:

For example, one factor that I think may be overlooked is the role of social media, specifically Facebook. Indeed, I believe one of the most powerful and persuasive pro-life tools used by people on both sides is a picture of a baby posted on Facebook

Such images have become as ubiquitous on Facebook as cats on YouTube. We not only see babies everywhere, we know their names, we watch them play, we see them change. Babies have not only become part of our online context, they have helped to create a more pro-life context.

I believe it. We’ve learned more and more about the development of babies in the womb, but that information isn’t worth much if it isn’t shared with people! No longer are we limited to what the mainstream newspaper or news channels tell us. Our friends, family, and neighbors can easily share information and those pictures that touch our hearts.

Not to mention the fact that now that anyone can share their thoughts on social media, it’s easier to see the inconsistencies of the pro-abortion position, and the downright hate that comes out when that view is challenged. If someone can only respond with hatred and insults when they’re questioned, they must not have much of an argument!

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