Facebook Censors Truly Sacrificial Love

Facebook Censors Truly Sacrificial Love July 11, 2015

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Remember that precious disfigured man who Pope Francis embraced without hesitation?  The photograph of their embrace was all over the media.  It was a beautiful picture of unconditional love.

But now, Facebook is refusing to allow the picture of the man to be published as the site claims that it may upset some viewers!!!

Aleteia reports:

But while Pope Francis readily embraced Riva and could see the human being behind the monstrous appearance, Facebook apparently does not want a photo of the man to be seen.

When Aleteia’s communications manager, Katherine Ruddy, wanted to boost an article using a photo of Riva being embraced by the Pope, Facebook rejected it, sending her a note about the social media site’s advertising policies:

“Your ad wasn’t approved because we don’t allow ads that reference body images in a way that may make some viewers upset. Ads referring to someone’s health or appearance are sensitive in nature. To continue advertising, we recommend using an image that focuses clearly on your product or service.”

Shame on you, Facebook! You will create rainbow apps to celebrate #loveislove, but you won’t show a picture of truly sacrificial love?

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