Pizza Delivery Man Receives $1,900 tip from Local Church

Pizza Delivery Man Receives $1,900 tip from Local Church October 21, 2015

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A church in Alaska recently showed their community what it really looks like to be the hands and feet of Christ when they gave a pizza deliveryman a $1,900 tip!

Chugach Covenant Church in Anchorage decided to love on someone in their community, so they reached out to their local Papa John’s and asked which employee needed the most help.  The store identified 53 year old Ken Febler who had recently fallen on hard times.  Pastor Dan Krause then had that employee deliver a pizza to their church and when he arrived they gave him a $1,900 tip!

The Blaze has more:

Krause explained exactly why his congregation decided to do what it did, saying that all too often people hear about what the church is against, rather than what it stands for.

“We kind of lose sight that there’s a lot of people who really love our community and want to do whatever they can to help people out, and this is just an opportunity for us to do something really small but really have a big impact on somebody’s life,” Krause said.

Felber said he plans to spend the money on snow tires and medical expenses but added that he and his wife would also celebrate with a nice spaghetti dinner.

“The Lord does work in mysterious ways,” Felber said. “Think about that. I’ve never believed that, but now I do.”

It is amazing what a small (or large, in this case) act of kindness can do!  This church is really putting into practice God’s call for us to love our neighbors.

What can you do today to show the love of Christ to someone around you?  If we are only willing to open our eyes to the needs of those around us, God will give us the opportunity to show his love!  Let’s show the watching world what it truly means to follow Christ!

(Image source: KTUU-TV)

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