Progress, Faith & Reproductive Justice as Roe Turns 40

Progress, Faith & Reproductive Justice as Roe Turns 40 January 16, 2013

For the past year I have been privileged to be part of the Faith and Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute at The Center for American Progress.  I wrote more about our shared work and activities previously, and shared some of the interview that Sally Steenland did with me as part of that work here.  Now, I am thrilled to share part of the newly released public statement that nineteen of us have been discussing for the past year.

We are faith leaders committed to justice and dignity for all God’s people. We believe that all individuals, families, and communities should have the rights, recognition, and resources they need to thrive.

We affirm the sacredness of conscience—even when it leads to disagreement or conflict—as a foundation of religious liberty.

Our faith compels us to work for economic, social, racial, gender, and reproductive justice. We believe in protecting a woman’s well-being and sacred decision making. We respect the vibrant diversity of faith and belief in our country. History has taught us the deep violence that results when a singular theological teaching is imposed on a diverse and pluralistic nation, particularly concerning the beginning and development of life.

We recognize that a woman’s decision to become a parent exists within a larger context. A host of factors—including her economic circumstance, access to health care and sex education, personal safety, housing situation, and support from family and community—shape her ability to flourish and fulfill her God-given potential as an individual and as a parent.

We believe that faith communities—longstanding leaders in the fight for justice—should lead the fight for reproductive justice.

For more, including concrete efforts we are making and encouraging more people of faith to do, as well as the complete list of nineteen signers, head over to the Center for American Progress website.


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