May 28, 2024

Generation Z (Gen Z) evangelicals are reluctant to engage in cross-cultural missions due to fears of imperialism and colonialism. This is a significant threat to the church and the mobilization of missionaries from the West. Read more

May 21, 2024

Our most pressing concern isn’t that social media makes us feel worse about ourselves. It’s that social media makes us worse people. Read more

May 14, 2024

The concept of "safe spaces" has repercussions on dialogue, community cohesion, and the quest for truth. Unfortunately, too many Christians have uncritically embraced the concept of “safe spaces.” Read more

May 7, 2024

What’s the relationship between luxury beliefs and social status? This post explores how luxury beliefs operate as markers of status. Read more

April 30, 2024

Luxury beliefs as markers of status for elites while often being harmful to ordinary people. Here are several examples. Read more

April 23, 2024

Have you ever heard of luxury beliefs? They are a significant shift in how we might understand cultural trends in contemporary society. Read more

April 16, 2024

Matthew 13 gives a multifaceted view of God's Kingdom, defying and redefining the expectations of those who follow Him Read more

April 9, 2024

Bookstores are replete with self-help books. This is an individualistic approach focusing on how I as an individual can fix me an individual. Imagine with me what the opposite type of book might look like, a “community-help book.” A work dedicated to “community-help” would signify a departure from the solitary journey espoused by self-help manuals, steering us toward a collaborative pursuit of betterment and collective welfare. It would extol the virtues of mutual reliance and concerted endeavor over the solitary... Read more

April 2, 2024

This semester, I’ve been teaching students about how to read Scripture missionally. Reading the Bible missionally involves approaching the Scriptures with a focus on God’s overarching mission to redeem and restore the world through Christ. This perspective emphasizes the narrative of salvation history and God’s intent to bless all nations, as seen throughout the biblical text. Here are some key principles for reading the Bible with a missional hermeneutic: 1. The Metanarrative of Scripture Understand the Bible as the story... Read more

March 26, 2024

Americans now treat culture as a sacred creed. This sacralization of culture in American society has led to a notable shift in the social dynamics of the country (as I shared in my previous post). As cultural identity ascends to a place of sacrosanct significance, it fosters a robust in-group loyalty that is double-edged. When We Idolize Cultural Identity On one edge, this loyalty enhances the understanding and appreciation of one’s heritage, leading to a vibrant mosaic of community life... Read more

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