Pitt-Jolie and Jesus?

Pitt-Jolie and Jesus? September 13, 2008

In a world where anyone can create a blog and write whatever they want and claim it as truth, why not get in on the fun right? It’s about time I guess … that, and all of my super tech-y friends keep harassing me to do it. And for the first time in my life, well, second if you include Facebook; I’ve given in! So here we go:

I recently heard on CNN that the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Foundation just donated $1 million dollars to clothe and feed the Iraqi children whose families have been killed in the war. The first thought that popped in my head was, why are celebrities doing what Christians should be doing?! I was actually offended.

If the Bible tells us to love our enemies, what does that tangibly look like in time of war? I can think of no better expression of that command then to follow in Pitt-Jolie’s footsteps. As much as I can’t stand celebrities and their unwarranted and annoying political opinions, I have to stand in awe that someone – especially with those type of financial resources – was willing to do such a thing. Thank you Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. (I never thought I’d say such a thing!)

Following Christ is about doing, and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are flat out just out-‘doing’ Believers. I’m willing to put my limited resources where my mouth is … I’m going to financially give to that cause as well. Let this challenge you, as Christians, to know what it truly means to live out your faith. No fluff, no talk, just action.

Countercultural. Faith. Love.

Go out and read my friend Shane Claiborne’s book Jesus for President. It will change your life and you’ll be yearning to live an authentic Pro-God, not Pro-Flag, life. We’re all God’s children and it’s time we actually start believing it.

Much love.

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