End of the Year Giving!

End of the Year Giving! December 20, 2013

The following post comes in part from The Marin Foundation’s end-of-year letter to our generous donors. To participate in giving to The Marin Foundation, click here!

To our wonderful friends and family,

Hello from Chicago! We hope this letter finds you well as you enjoy this holiday season.

We are filled with joy and gratitude as we consider our incredible year here at The Marin Foundation. As we faithfully continue the daily work of building bridges through hosting our twice a month Living in the Tension Gatherings, multiple I’m Sorry Campaigns, ourcontinuing education classes, the Parent Resource Initiative and providing ongoing pastoral care, we have expanded our work and influence well beyond our own neighborhood. In addition, we have consulted with and spoken at numerous churches, higher education institutions, organizations and government agencies throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia.

Additionally in 2013 we have added (much needed!) staff support to help us meet the increasing demand for our work and expertise, each of whom raise their own financial support.

And many of your contributions have made this possible! So many of you have been an incredible partner in helping us carry our message of love and reconciliation to those who have experienced much hurt, pain and misunderstanding. We would not be able to continue building bridges in these spaces without your financial contributions, prayer support and volunteering efforts. Your contributions throughout the past year have provided us with opportunities to meet with people from all over the world.

As individuals continue to reach out to us, we have been able to meet folks where they are.Your partnership allows us to walk alongside individuals, families, churches, both Christian and secular universities and other organizations on their journey toward healing and reconciliation, and opens doors for more people to participate in (and elevate!) the conversation. Thank you for your sacrifice in giving, for your willingness to boldly love others and for your dedication to The Marin Foundation and its mission.

As 2013 draws to a close, would you help us continue reaching others through a one-time year-end financial gift, above your already committed contribution? The Marin Foundation, as Andrew likes to describe us, is ‘a small, rogue and mobile group,’ but our influence, responsibilities and aspirations vastly outweigh our budget. We can’t do this without you! To see different giving opportunities and our needs, follow this link.

Our mission is simple, but our dreams are big. We want to see hearts mended, practical resources received, families healed, conversations changed, and ensure that all are welcome at the table of Christ.

Thank you for joining us in pursuit of this mission.
Much Love,

The Marin Foundation Team

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