Why Should We Observe Ash Wednesday?

Why Should We Observe Ash Wednesday? February 12, 2013

There is no biblical commandment that requires Christians to observe Ash Wednesday. Thus, I believe this one of those practices that we are free to observe or not to observe. The theological core of Ash Wednesday is, however, shaped by a biblical theology of creation, sin, mortality, death, grace, and salvation. It also enacts biblical injunctions to “weep with those who weep” and to “confess your sins to one another.”

What I value most about Ash Wednesday worship services is the chance for us all to openly acknowledge our frailty and sinfulness. In a world that often expects us to be perfect, Ash Wednesday gives us an opportunity to freely confess our imperfections. We can let down our pretenses and be truly honest with each other about who we are. We all bear the mark of sin, from the youngest babies to the oldest seniors. We all stand guilty before a holy God. We all are mortal and will someday experience bodily death. Thus we all need a Savior.


What you have just read is part of my longer article: Ash Wednesday: What Is Ash Wednesday? How Do We Observe It? Why Should We? If you’re interested, you can read the whole article here.

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