Lenten Reflections on the Apostle’s Creed

Lenten Reflections on the Apostle’s Creed April 3, 2014

Every week in church, we recite the Apostle’s Creed. I didn’t grow up doing this, so it took me a while to memorize it, and I find it to be very meaningful every week.

So I found this meditation especially meaningful, in which the author thinks through each phrase of the creed. If you’re not familiar with it, it may imbue the creed with meaning; if you’re too familiar, it may help you see it anew:

I believe
Not I know. Not I think. Not I feel. Not I understand. But I believe. When I am in darkness, when I do not know the way, when every step is uncertain, I walk. I live not by what I know or feel but by a trust that proves itself only after each new step is safely taken.

In God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth

Not in magic or manipulation. Not in divine powers that I can wield for my own purposes. Not in heavenly voodoo. But in God, source of a light that is still hidden to me, source of a life towards which I grope with death hard at my heels, source of a joy that lies in waiting somewhere beneath or beyond or within this darkness.

Read the whole thing here.

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