Replace Your Job with A Calling in 2017

Replace Your Job with A Calling in 2017 December 31, 2016

job v calling



What Fills Your Monday?

Monday is the day we head back to work.   The firm where I office, WeWork, displays signs that give a shout out to loving Monday. Do you love Monday? On this first post of 2017, I’d like you to consider the possibilities.   What if “calling” defeated “job,” if “vocation” drove away “occupation?”


An occupation fills your time. A Vocation fulfills your destiny.


A job is working for a living. A Calling is working for a purpose.


The following actions help move the needle away from occupation toward clarity of vocation. Each point links to 1 or more posts providing more detail.

  1. Choose calling as the ultimate definition of success
  2. Identify the myths about vocation that may be ruining “calling” for you.  Myths Part 1, Myths Part 2
  3. Embrace all 5 of you callings
  4. Choose the city you work for wisely
  5. Understanding the drivers of workplace calling
  6. Keep the caller central in your calling journey
  7. Understand the 20 questions you can ask to align you work with God’s purposes for work today.
  8. Understand how to survive (and move beyond) a miserable job.



12 Months From Now,  another year will be in the memory book.   Make 2017 the year when you gained greater clarity concerning the God-given purpose for your daily work.


About the Author:  


Dr. Chip Roper writes Marketplace Faith from New York City, where he is the director of Marketplace Engagement at the New York City Leadership Center.  Chip is driven to turn the daily grind into a spiritual adventure.   In service of this vision to empower individuals to approach their work with a keen sense of vocation, he aims to end the “stunning silence of the Church regarding life at work.” He is convinced that a central piece of God’s plan for any city or community is the work that people do each day. You can learn more about him here. Chip is available for speaking, consulting, and coaching engagements. Inquire via his email:



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Pic 2: public domain:


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